-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- arXiv:1203.0978 Optical follow-up of Q0957+561 in 2005-2010 (Shalyapin+ 2012) ================================================================================ A 5.5-year robotic optical monitoring of Q0957+561: substructure in a non-local cD galaxy Shalyapin V.N., Goicoechea L.J., Gil-Merino R. =2012arXiv1203.0978S ================================================================================ Keywords: gravitational lensing: strong - black hole physics - galaxies: elliptical and lenticular, cD - quasars: individual (Q0957+561) Description: The optical variability database of the two images (A and B) of the gravitationally lensed quasar Q0957+561 is based on frames taken with the Liverpool Robotic Telescope in the 2005-2010 period, as part of the Liverpool Quasar Lens Monitoring (LQLM) project (Goicoechea et al. 2010). A crowded-field photometry pipeline produced instrumental fluxes of both quasar images, and only frames with signal-to-noise ratio above 80 over Q0957+561A were passed through a transformation pipeline. This pipeline transformed instrumental magnitudes into SDSS magnitudes (the calibration-correction scheme is described in Appendix A of Shalyapin et al. 2008 and the main text of the paper). We also turned SDSS magnitudes into physical fluxes using suitable conversion equations (SDSS Photometric Flux Calibration 2007). Table 1 contains g-band fluxes for 357 different nights, while Table 2 includes r-band fluxes for 371 observation nights. File Summary: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FileName Lrecl Records Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ReadMe 80 . This file Table 1.dat 48 357 Fluxes in the g band (468.6nm) Table 2.dat 48 371 Fluxes in the r band (616.5nm) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: Table 1.dat Table 2.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 8 F8.3 d MJD-50000 Modified Julian Date - 50000 13- 18 F6.4 mJy SA Flux of Q0957+561A 23- 28 F6.4 mJy e_SA Error in the flux of Q0957+561A 33- 38 F6.4 mJy SB Flux of Q0957+561B 43- 48 F6.4 mJy e_SB Error in the flux of Q0957+561B -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acknowledgements: We thank Estela Goikoetxea for organizing our initial data base. References: Goicoechea et al. (2010): 2010AdAst2010E..29G SDSS Photometric Flux Calibration (2007): http://www.sdss.org/dr7/algorithms/fluxcal.html Shalyapin et al. (2008): 2008A&A...492..401S ================================================================================ (End) Luis J. Goicoechea [Universidad de Cantabria, Spain] 06-Mar-2012