C A N T A B R I A   U N I V E R S I T Y
Hornos de la Peña (Tarriba, San Felices de Buelna)  
    Horse   Hornos de la Peña cave was scientificaly discovered on October 27, 1905, by Mr. Hermilio Alcalde del Rio. The cavity is located in the hillside of a mountain close to the village of Tarriba in San Felices de Buelna.

The first room, iluminated by the outer light, gets open from a lime arch. In this room, the figures of an acephalous bison, nowadys disapeared, a horse, and some non-figurative lines were found, all of it engraved with deep trace. This goup constitutes one of the first artistic evidences in Cantabria, chronologicaly fit in the Gravettian, in the same horizon as Chufín and Venta Laperra.

Inside, we find a second group formed by about 35 animal figures such as horses, bisons, aurochs, goats, deers, etc. Besides of these figures, one shake-shaped and one anthropomorphic figure are also represented. Practicaly the totality of these figures are made with different engraving techniques. "Macarroni" have also been documented: series of parallel lines drawn on a clayey wall with the fingers or with instrument of roundedtip. The stylistic chronology places the moment of carrying out this interior engravings in the initial Magdalenien in the ancient IV style.

  P R E H I S T O R I C   A R T