C A N T A B R I A   U N I V E R S I T Y
  Churches, Hermitages and Sanctuaries   Religious Architecture
Hermitages and Sanctuaries
Sepulchral sculpture
Renaissance and Baroque painting
    Main altarpiece of the parish Church of Arnuero   Churches and sanctuaries in Cantabria house a wealth of both Renaissance and Baroque altarpieces. The evolution of this art is similar to that in other provinces, although often with a later chronology. In the Renaissance period, some richly decorated plateresque works were made, such as the main altarpiece of the parish church of Arnuero. Later, the Romanist pattern spread, coinciding with the beginning of the Counter-Reformation, and contributed to the sobriety of the design, suggesting Palladian patterns, and to the austerity of the enormous sculptures among which it is worth remarking the altarpieces of Guriezo and Cicero. At that time, the workshops of Limpias, Cudeyo, Casar de Periedo and Siete Villas appeared, which also worked outside the region. The different patterns of the Baroque altarpiece progressed through the second half of the 17th century to the end of the 18th. From here onwards, the altarpiece begin to lose its didactic and narrative character according to the Eucharistic principles of the Counter-Reformation, focusing rather on the now free-standing tabernacle-sacrarium, such as the altarpiece of the convent of San Francisco in Laredo. Some of the most interesting sculptural ensembles were built in Cantabria in the midst of the most ornamental Baroque period, such as the Sanctuary of the Bien Aparecida and the church of Las Caldas de Besaya. From the second half of the 18th century, the Baroque became more moderate, as in the main altarpiece of the church of San Pedro Limpias.  
Main altarpiece of Nuestra Seņora la Bien Aparecida
Main altarpiece of the Parish Church of San Pedro. (Limpias)
A R T I S T I C   H E R I T A G E