​Raquel Ibáñez and María Margallo, professors of the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Departament, within the technitian on the International Relationships Service of the University of Cantabria, Pablo Díaz, had the opportunity of performed a short stay in the Shamoon College of Engineering (SCE) in Israel, in the frame of the bilateral international mobility agreement Erasmus+ KA107 (project 2016-1-ES01-KA107-023213). UC Delegation was completed by Pablo Díaz, administrative personnel in the International Relations Office of the UC.

During the visit they the UC delegation met with the supervisors of different several chemical engineering departaments groups of the Beer-Sheve and Asdhot, in order to discuss about the mobility of master and doctorate students between both institutions, improving the collaboration in common research fields and establishing relationships that toencourage the joint participation in different projects in the future.

Moreover they could visit places that are in the common imagination, like the Dead Sea or Jerusalem.