Dr. María Fresnedo San Román and the doctorate student Sophie Schröder visited the Chemical Engineering Department of Universidad de Santiago de Chile-Usach, from November 4th to 11th, 2018. During the visit they delivered 3 presentations for students and faculty members of the “Magister en Ciencias de la Ingeniería”, with a Mention in Chemical Engineering. They also performed several experiments of micro-extraction with supercritical fluids in the membrane lab of the Chemical Engineering Department.

Moreover, they attended research meetings with the academic authorities of Usach, aimed at looking for new UC-Usach institutions.

On the other hand, they have also visited the Universidad Católica de Chile to meet professors R. Tapía, M. Isaac and A. Giordano, and the Universidad de Chile to meet professors R. Contreras, R. Ormazabal and S. Gallardo, in the frame of the development of new future collaboration focused on research.