Project Meeting

The 2nd meeting of KET4F-Gas project took place last week in the University of Clermont-Ferrand (France).  KET4F-Gas is aimed at the R&D of key enabling technologies for the recovery of fluorinated gases, used as refrigerants in freezers and air conditioning systems. The Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department of UC was represented by Dr. Gabriel Zarca and Prof. Ane Urtiaga, who are involved in the development of membrane gas separation technologies. The project is supported by the INTERREG-SUDOE Program, that promotes territorial cooperation among regions located in the South West of Europe.

The scientific results were also presented in the congress 19th EuropeanMeeting on Environmental Chemistry, that was held in Royat (France), from 3 to6 of December, with the communication entitled “Membrane technology for theseparation and recovery of fluorinated gases used as refrigerants”.