Honoris Causa: Prof. Ignacio E. Grossmann

On January 28, 2019, Professor Ignacio E.Grossmann received the “Honoris Causa” doctorate from the university of Alicante in Spain. Professor Grossmann, currently working at the Chemical Engineering Department in Carnegie Mellon University, is one of the most relevant scientists and academics in Chemical Engineering and more specifically in Process  Systems Engineering of our time. He has transferred his knowledge to a wide number of universities in different countries. In his speech, Prof . Grossmann highlighted the groups that have  established strong networking connections with him, among them the group in the chemical and biochemical engineering department  of the university of Cantabria.

Being a cornerstone and a reference to young scientists and students he devoted the last part of his speech to encourage future generations in the discovery of their PASSION and its achievement through PERSEVERANCE.


Prof. Ignacio E. Grossmann