Workshop KET4F-GAS

The Workshop Mitigation of the Environmental Impact of Fluorinated Gases took place in Santander, on Wednesday 19, 2019, within the framework of the ANQUE-ICCE 2019 congress. This workshop was a core activity for the dissemination of research results of the European project “KET4F-GAS: Reduction of the Environmental Impact of Fluorinated Gases in the Sudoe Space through Key Enabling Technologies”.

In this event, chaired by Dr. Joao M. M. de Araújo and Dr. Ana B. Pereiro from Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal) and Dr. Gabriel Zarca from Universidad de Cantabria (Spain), 2 keynote lectures and 7 oral presentations regarding the development of new processes for the separation and recovery of refrigerant gases were presented, including those of the invited speakers Prof. Margarida Costa (CNRS, France) and Prof. Lourdes Vega (Khalifa University, United Arab Emirates).