V Workshop of the E3TECH Network / I Ibero-American Workshop at Distance E3TECH «Environmental and Energy Applications of Electrochemical Technology»

Ane Urtiaga participates in the Opening Ceremony of the V Workshop of the E3TECH Network / I Ibero-American Workshop at Distance E3TECH «Environmental and Energy Applications of Electrochemical Technology». The event had the participation of:

– Enrique Playán Jubilar, Director of the State Research Agency

– Amaya Zalacaín, Vice-rector for Research at the University of Castilla La Mancha

– Manuel Rodrigo, Coordinator of the E3TECH Network of Excellence, University of Castilla La Mancha.

– Ane Urtiaga, Professor of Chemical Engineering , University of Cantabria

– Ignacio Sirés, Technical Secretary of the E3TECH Network, University of Barcelona

The Workshop program was presented at the event, which has 366 speakers and registered participants from 20 countries. The Workshop will take place from today, October 28 to Saturday, October 31, and has extensive participation of speakers and attendants from the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, who will present 10 communications.

This event is part of the activities of the E3TECH Network of Excellence, funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation CTQ2017-90659-REDT.