Academic Visit

Last Friday 14th December, a group of students and faculty members enrolled in the subject ‘Polymerization Engineering’ of the Degree in Chemical Engineering visited the facilities of Bridgestone located at Puente San Miguel (Cantabria).

Bridgestone is the world’s largest tyre and rubber producer. The plant located in Cantabria is focused on the production of wheels aimed at heavy agricultural machinery. The visit was guided by the quality system manager, Mr. Carlos Diez, and the responsible for the department of technical product quality, Mrs. Carmen Muela. The tour through the factory included an introduction to the evolution of the company and the products characteristics and a guided tour to the production facilities and quality control assurance laboratories.

This activity is becoming a ‘tradition’ in the activities of the subject Polymerization Engineering, because of the high pedagogic contents spread within the students and the detailed and careful organization of the visit.