Amentúrate 2019

On November 14th, 2019, a new workshop organized by researchers of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department in the frame of the project Amentúrate took place. María José Rivero organized the workshop “Nanomateriales aplicados a la energía y el medio ambiente”, with the collaboration of Marcos Fallanza, Arantza Basauri, Belén García, Laura Rancaño and Gema Pérez, in which 6 students of different schools of Cantabria participated. María José welcomed the students and explained them what a nanoparticle is,, highlighting those applications in which researchers of the Department are involved. After that, the students visited the labs to perform a simple water treatment by using nanoparticles and analyzed the concentration of ammonia in different samples.

We hope you enjoyed as much as we did!

Next “Amenturate activity” in the Department will take place on November 25, 2019 with the seminar “Blue energy: obteniendo energía sostenible del mar”.

All the information is available at: