On March 18th, 2021 the AQUIQÁN Award for the Best Poster in Chemical Engineering, organized in the frame of the celebration of Saint Joseph ´s Day, took place. In this edition, celebrated virtually, 5 students of the Chemical Engineering degree participated with the following works:

  • Membranes and spacers effect in gradient salinity energy by reverse electrodialysis technology – by Jose Antonio Abarca González
  • Mixing evaluation in a spiral microreactor – by Gloria González Lavín
  • Simulation of hydrogen streams performance in an internal combustion engine – by Fabián Musy Palacio
  • Hydrogen recovery from industrial waste streams for fuel cell application – by Laura Ruiz Cuesta
  • Selective recovery of refrigerant gases using ionic liquids – by Miguel Viar Fernández

During the meeting, all participants presented their posters and afterwards the election of the winners took place through a survey sent to all participants. And the winners were:

Best poster – Gloria González Lavín

Honorable Mention- Fabián Musy Palacio, Laura Ruiz Cuesta, Jose Antonio Abarca González and  Miguel Viar Fernández

Congratulations and thanks for your participation!