Last April 2-5, 2017, Marta Herrero, Carolina Fernández and Raquel Ibáñez attended the 3rd International Conference on Desalination Using Membrane Technology – MEMDES 2017, celebrated in Gran Canaria, Spain.
On Monday, Carolina Fernández gave the oral presentation “Enhancing the performance of polyethylene based anion exchange membranes using nanomaterials for desalination of water by electrodialysis”. On Tuesday, Marta Herrero gave the presentation “Powering a BMED process for the production of HCl and NaOH from brines using a photovoltaic solar simulator”. On Wednesday, Raquel Ibáñez gave the oral presentation “Techno-economic feasibility analysis for minor elements valorization from SWRO concentrates” and presented the posters “Nanofiltration for calcium/sodium separation. Application to reverse osmosis concentrates” and “The potential of natural and waste brines as draw solutions in forward osmosis applications”.