Internship: Felipe Eduardo Olea Chandi

Felipe Eduardo Olea Chandi, student of the Master in Engineering Sciences of the University of Santiago de Chile is developing a research internship in the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department of the University of Cantabria.

During his stay, from February 11 to March 15, 2019, he will work in the selective separation of lantanides, cerium and lanthanum, using membrane contactors, as part of his research in the frame of final master project.

This research internship is financed by the project “Dicyt – Equipo multidisciplinario de procesos para la recuperación de tierras raras” of the University of Santiago de Chile, leaded by Prof. Esteban Quijada, and “Diseño de un proceso de separación con agentes quelantes para la recuperación de metales de corrientes residuales”, leaded by is Dr. Eugenio Bringas, who will also supervise the work of Felipe Eduardo during the internship.