Local Chemistry Olympiad 2021

On March 12th, 2021, the Local Chemistry Olympiad took place virtually. This edition, organized by the Association of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Cantabria – AQUIQÁN in collaboration with Cantabria Section of the RSEQ, was attended by 41 students of Cantabria region. The results were published on AQUIQÁN website on March22nd, 2021 (https://web.unican.es/departamentos/ingquimica/Documents/OLIMPIADA%20QUIMICA/OLIMPIADA%202021/ACTA%20Olimpiada%20de%20Qu%c3%admica%20de%20Cantabria%202021.pdf).

And the winners were:

1st prize: Iván Jesús Melero López (IES Jose María de Pereda, Santander)

2nd prize: Estíbaliz Sáez de Astiazu Mañes (IES Ocho de Marzo, Castro Urdiales)

3rd prize: Ángela González Vecilla (IES Muriedas, Camargo)

4th mention: Victoria Álvarez Méndez (IES Muriedas, Camargo)

5th mention: Paula Turégano Girón (IES Muriedas, Camargo)

6th mention: Sandra Gutierrez Fernández (Colegio San José – Niño Jesús, Reinosa)