Local Chemistry Olympiad: RESULTS

On March 28th, 2019 the results of the Local Chemistry Olympiad, that took place last March 22nd, were published. In this 2019 edition the winners are:

Gold Medal: Víctor Mencía Alonso – IES Alisal (Santander)

Silver Medal: Alicia Palacio Solórzano – IES Santa Clara (Santander)

Bronze Medal: Paz Marina Martínez Menéndez – IES Jose María Pereda (Santander).

Moreover, Ángel Santiago Setién and Miguel Díez Quevedo (Colegio Calasanz Escolapios, Santander) and Pablo Amallo Fernández (IES Ataulfo Argenta, Castro Urdiales) received a mention for their outstanding results in the Olympiad.