National Chemistry Olympiad 2019

Last May 10—12, 2019 the XXXII National Chemistry Olympiad took place in Santander. A total 118 students coming from all over Spain participated in the contest. The event was organized  by the Cantabria Territorial Section of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ) in On Sunday, the ceremony award was chaired by the Conselour of Education, Culture and Sports of the Government of Cantabria, Mr. Francisco Fernández Mañanes; the Vice Chancellor of Doctorate and Institutional Relations of the University of Cantabria, Mr. Alberto Ruiz;  the head of the Organizing Committee of the Olympics, Ms. Clara Casado, and other representatives of the academic instiutions.

The winners of this edition were:

Gold Medals:

Joaquín Baixeras Buyé – English School Los Olivos (Valencia)

Pablo Soto Martín – IES San Mateo (Madrid)

Daniel Ulibarri Sánchez – IES Pedro de la Luna (Zaragoza)

Silver Medals:

Sergio Sanjurjo Montero –  Colegio Corazón de María (Gijón)

Zhuo Ying Jiang Li – IES son Pacs (Palma de Mallorca)

Oskar Filip Wojdel – Institut Jaume Vicens Vives (Barcelona)

Bronze Medals:

Gregorio de la Fuente Simarro – Colegio de la Enseñanza (Valladolid)

Cristian Angosto Ros – Centro Santa Joaquina de Vedruna (Murcia)

Miguel María Jiménez Sánchez – Colegio Retamar (Madrid)

Marc Torrecillas Castelló – Institut Jaume Vicens Vives de Palagrugell (Gerona)