Defense of Master Thesis

Gonzalo Moral defended his final thesis in the Master in Chemical Engineering (UC-UPV/EHU). The defense took place in the University of Basque Country on October 26th, 2021, and the academic evaluation committee was formed by Prof. Jose Ignacio Gutierrez (UPV/EHU), Dr. Clara Casado (UC) and Dr. Eugenio Bringas (UC).

Dissemination event: IES Santa Clara

Carlota Guati and Deva Pelayo delivered a speech on gender equality and the role of women researchers in Chemical Technology to students of the IES Santa Clara (Santander), last October 21st, 2021. They briefly explained the research topics in which they are involved.

Research Stay at UC: Aslam Alhmady

Aslam Alhmady, Master Student at the Ege University (Turkey) is currently developing a research stay at the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department of the University of Cantabria. During a period of 3 months, Aslam will work in the research group Advanced Separation Processes in the RED technology.

Science Week Announcement

Researchers of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department are already working on the organization of the Science Week that is taking place next November 8 – 21, 2021. The virtual talks, workshops and other events organized by the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department are:

  • 2 en 1 Energía Azul: Agua y electricidad, una tecnología.
  • ¿Ha mejorado la calidad del aire con las restricciones derivadas de la pandemia por COVID-19?
  • Chem-E-Car: ¿El coche del futuro?
  • Brindando oportunidades para la transición a la economía circular en el sector pesquero
  • Tecnología de membranas poliméricas para la regeneración de tejidos
  • ¿Conoces todos los beneficios que puede tener la luz sobre el agua contaminada?
  • Nanomateriales y superimanes: nuevos aliados para curar enfermedades
  • LIFE4-FGASES: Hacia una economía circular de los gases refrigerantes

You can register on:

 Note: Although a date and time is indicated on the registration form, it can be modified according to the needs of the Highschools. So, if you are interested in the topic do not hesitate to register!

Follow-up meeting: SUDOE Energy Push

Alfredo Ortiz and Víctor Manuel Maestre attended the follow-up meeting of the European Project “SUDOE ENERGY PUSH – Efficient eNERGY for Public Social Housing (SOE3/P3/E0865)”, celebrated in Bourdeoux on October 6 and 7, 2021. During the meeting they presented the last outcomes achieved by the UC team.

Hydrogen Day

Inmaculada Ortiz, Rafael Ortiz and Gonzalo Moral, on behalf of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department of the University of Cantabria participated in the event “El hidrógeno en la transición energética”, organized by UC, Enagás and Banco Santander, that took place last October 6th, 2021 in the Paraninfo of the University of Cantabria. The event addressed the opportunities in Spain for the development of a sector linked to hydrogen as a new green energy.  Inmaculada participated in the Table 2: Hydrogen research: the role of universities and research centers, while Rafael and Gonzalo showed a prototype to explain how the hydrogen can be produced and used.  The event was also attended by the President of Cantabria Government, Mr. Miguel Ángel Revilla, the Rector of the UC, Mr. Ángel Pazos, Ms. Gema Igual, Mayoress of Santander, Mr. Marcelino Oreja, CEO of Enagás and Ms. Isabel Tocino, Enagás Director.

Launch Meeting: Excellence Network SISE

Alfredo Ortiz, on behalf of the Advanced Separation Research Group of the University of Cantabria, attended the launch meeting of the excellence network “Sistemas Iónicos para la Sosteniblidad Energética – SISE (RED2018-102679-T). The meeting took place in Alcalá de Henares on September 30 and October 1, 2021.

Congress: Symposium of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry 2021

On September 27-30, 2021 the Symposium of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry 2021: Online conference, took place and several members of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department delivered the following oral presentations:

“Advances and challenges in the continuous electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 to formate” – Guillermo Díaz-Sainz, Manuel Alvarez-Guerra, Beatriz Avila-Bolívar, Jose Solla-Gullón,  Vicente Montiel, Angel Irabien

“Enhancing the environmental sustainability performance in desalination through Circular Economy approach: acid and base self-supply” – Marta Herrero, Raquel Ibáñez.

And presented the posters:

Towards the development of new membranes for the recycling of fluorinated gases – Sergio V. Gutiérrez, Fernando Pardo, Gabriel Zarca, Ane Urtiaga.

Recovery of zinc and iron from spent pickling acids: A life cycle perspective – Andrea Arguillarena, María Margallo, Ane Urtiaga.

Synthesis and photocatalytic performance of TiO2/Fe3O4/rGO composite for the removal of S-metolachlor – Carmen Barquín, María José Rivero, Inmaculada Ortiz.

Effect of graphene-based nanomaterials on cell differentiation processes – Marián Mantecón Oria, Nazely Diban, María José Rivero, Olga Tapia, Ane Urtiaga.

Analysis of microfluidic systems for the continuous capture of target compounds using functionalized magnetic nanoparticles – Belén García, Eugenio Bringas, Inmaculada Ortiz.

Modeling lactic acid and lactose separation by nanofiltration – Clara Casado-Coterillo, Pedro Díaz-Guridi, Jose Antonio Otero y Raquel Ibáñez.

On the rational design of magnetophoretic microseparators for blood detoxification: advanced MD and CFD models Cristina González-Fernández, Eugenio Bringas, Inmaculada Ortiz.

Theoretical study selective extraction of lithium from seawater desalination concentrates by molecular simulation – Lien Ester Gallart, Raúl Coterillo, Elena Fernández-Escalante, Javier Junquera, Inmaculada Ortiz, Raquel Ibáñez, María Fresnedo San Román.

Traphene influence over the thermodynamic of quaternary systems: experimental and model evaluation – Marta Romay, Nazely Diban, Ane Urtiaga.

Innovative systems based on the use of UV-C LED for the treatment of polluted waters – Deva Pelayo, María José Rivero, Inmaculada Ortiz.

European Researchers´ Night 2021

Researchers of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department participated in the European Researchers ´Night 2021, that took place in the Porticada Square of Santander, last September 24th, 2021. Their organized the following activities:

La ciencia con valores: la sostenibilidad

Tecnología de membranas para hacer frente a los retos de la sociedad

Ingeniería Química en la medicina y medio ambiente del futuro

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