Science Week

Víctor Manuel Maestre and Rafael Ortiz participated in the Science Week. They prepared the workshop “El hidrógeno, la energía del futuro: producción mediante energías renovables y aplicaciones”, for secondary students of El Alisal High School and Fuente Fresnedo School, on November 16th, 2020 and November 18th, 2020, respectively.

Science Week

Andrea Arguillarena and Carmen Barquin participated in the Science Week. They prepared the workshop entitled “LIFE2ACID: Hacia un uso sostenible de los recursos en la industria galvánica”,  for a group of secondary students of Torrevelo and Peñalabra School, on November 16th, 2020.

Conference & Debate Announcement: Prof. Raquel Ibáñez

Prof. Raquel Ibáñez, Head of the Sustainable Process Engineering Research Group, is delivering the Conference & Debate “Aguas Residuales, la herramienta para anticiparse a la COVID 19”, in the frame of the celebration of the Science Week. The virtual event is taking place on November 20th, 2020, at 17:00h.

The conference is focused on the control and treatment of water as a powerful tool to improve health and help to fight against diseases like COVID-19. If you want to discover: What wastewaters are, how they are treated and What is their potential to beat COVID, this session could be a good opportunity.

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Virtual Seminar

Dr. Alfredo Ortiz, as coordinator of the European project HYLANTIC participates in the virtual seminar “Towards a more connected Europe “Interact” organized by Interact Programme (European Commission), on November 12th, 2020. Alfredo delivered the talk “R&D, Implementation and commercialisation of hydrogen” in the session Alternative fuels and hydrogen as a promising option?

V Workshop de la Red 3TECH / I Workshop Iberoamericano a Distancia E3TECH

Several researchers of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department participated in the “V Workshop de la Red 3TECH / I Workshop Iberoamericano a Distancia E3TECH: Aplicaciones Medioambientales y Energéticas de la Tecnología Electroquímica”, a virtual even that was held from October 28 to 31, 2020. Prof. Ane Urtiaga was part of the organization committee of this event, which counted with more than 380 registered participants from 20 countries. The presentations given by members of the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering were:

Prof. Ane Urtiaga and Dr. Manuel Álvarez – “Electroquímica medioambiental en el Departamento de Ingeniería Química de la Universidad de Cantabria”

Dr. Alfredo Ortiz and Dr. Lucía Gómez – “Procesos electroquímicos como fuente de energía renovable para la mitigación del cambio climático”

Dr. Marta Rumayor – “Hacia la descarbonización de sectores difíciles: Evaluación ambiental y económica de la captura y reducción electroquímica de CO2 en la producción de carbonato de sodio”.

Víctor Manuel Maestre – “Sistema combinado de energías renovables e hidrógeno para suministro eléctrico en viviendas sociales”

Carolina Tristán – “Recuperación de energía de efluentes residuales mediante electrodiálisis reversa.

Guillermo Díaz – “Avances para la obtención de formiato con alta eficiencia energética mediante electro-reducción de CO2”.

Aitor Marcos – Transformación por vía electroquímica  de CO2: desarrollo de electrodos de membrana sostenibles para electro-reducción de CO2.

Sergio Castro – “Reducción en continuo de CO2 utilizando nanopartículas de TiO2 en una celda fotoelectroquímica”.

Sophie Schröder – “Potencial formación de PCDD/Fs durante la oxidación electroquímica de triclosan”.

Andrea Arguillarena – “Recuperación de Zinc de ácidos de decapado agotados mediante separación selectiva y electrodeposición”

I Jornadas de Difusión Científica “La tecnología electroquímica al servicio de la Sociedad: aplicaciones en medio ambiente y energía”

Prof. Ane Urtiaga participated in the I Jornadas de Difusión Científica “La tecnología electroquímica al servicio de la Sociedad: aplicaciones en medio ambiente y energía”, organized by the excellence network E3TECH, last October 26 and 27, 2020. Ane Urtiaga delivered the talk “Intensificación con membranas del tratamiento electroquímico de contaminantes prioritarios”.

V Workshop of the E3TECH Network / I Ibero-American Workshop at Distance E3TECH «Environmental and Energy Applications of Electrochemical Technology»

Ane Urtiaga participates in the Opening Ceremony of the V Workshop of the E3TECH Network / I Ibero-American Workshop at Distance E3TECH «Environmental and Energy Applications of Electrochemical Technology». The event had the participation of:

– Enrique Playán Jubilar, Director of the State Research Agency

– Amaya Zalacaín, Vice-rector for Research at the University of Castilla La Mancha

– Manuel Rodrigo, Coordinator of the E3TECH Network of Excellence, University of Castilla La Mancha.

– Ane Urtiaga, Professor of Chemical Engineering , University of Cantabria

– Ignacio Sirés, Technical Secretary of the E3TECH Network, University of Barcelona

The Workshop program was presented at the event, which has 366 speakers and registered participants from 20 countries. The Workshop will take place from today, October 28 to Saturday, October 31, and has extensive participation of speakers and attendants from the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, who will present 10 communications.

This event is part of the activities of the E3TECH Network of Excellence, funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation CTQ2017-90659-REDT.

1st Scientific Dissemination Conference “Electrochemical Technology at the service of Society: applications to the environment and energy”

On October 26 and 27, the 1st Scientific Dissemination Conference “Electrochemical Technology at the service of Society: applications to the environment and energy” took place, on the virtual platform Zoom. This event is part of the activities of the E3TECH Network of Excellence. The Conference had 20 participants from the UC Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, within  the  380 total registered participants from 20 countries. Professor Ane Urtiaga gave the lesson entitled «Intensification with Membranes of the electrochemical treatment of priority pollutants».

Special Issue

We would like to announce the Special Issue «Advanced Separation Processes in Industrial, Environmental and Biomedical Applications” in the open-access journal Applied Sciences (IF: 2.474) which our colleagues Marcos Fallanza and Lucía Gómez are editing. The call for papers is already open until 20 February 2021. Further information is possible to find in: ( If you are interested in contribute to this SI, please send an email to: or