Professional Promotion: Dr. Marcos Fallanza

Dr. Marcos Fallanza was proposed for promotion to the position of Associate Professor  in the area of Chemical Engineering of the Univeristy of Cantabria in an event that took place on September 18th, 2020 in the meeting room of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department. The evaluation committee was formed by Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz, Prof. Ignacio Fernández and Dr. Alfredo Ortiz.

New Staff: Fernando Losada

Fernando Losada, Master in Chemical Engineering, has recently joined the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department of the University of Cantabria, where he is working on the research project “LUV2INNOVATE: Sistemas innovadores para el tratamiento de corrientes acuosas mediante procesos fotoquímicos con LED-UV (RTC2019-006820-5) (AEI), led by Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz.

Event: “Towards a Zero-Carbon Hydrogen-based Energy Economy”

On September 16th, 2020 the virtual event “Towards a Zero-Carbon Hydrogen-based Energy Economy”, organized by the School of Engineering (Robert Gordon University) & HYLANTIC EU, took place. Alfredo Ortiz, as coordinator of Hylantic project participated in the event delivering the talk “Introduction to the HYLANTIC EU Project”. Moreover, Rafael Ortiz and Gema Pérez, researchers of the HYLANTIC project, also attended the event.

The information about the event is available on:

Radio Interview – SOSPROCAN Transfer Unit

Raquel Ibáñez and Gema Pérez, head and responsible for quality assessment, respectively, of the SOSPROCAN Transfer Unit of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department participated in the radio show “A vivir Cantabria” on SER Cantabria radio, last September 12th, 2020. They were interviewed on behalf of SOSPROCAN Transfer Unit owing to the obtention of the ISO 9001:2015 Certification for the analysis of organic compounds by GC-MS and elemental analysis by ICP-MS.

Here you can listen to the interview.

New staff: Deva Pelayo

Deva Pelayo, Master in Chemical Engineering, has recently joined the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department of the University of Cantabria, where she is working on the research project “LUV2INNOVATE: Sistemas innovadores para el tratamiento de corrientes acuosas mediante procesos fotoquímicos con LED-UV (RTC2019-006820-5) (AEI), led by Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz.

Prof. Ángel Irabien returns to the Department

After about a year in Special Services in the Government of Cantabria as “Director General de Universidades”, Angel Irabien returns to his position as Professor of Chemical Engineering in the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department of the University of Cantabria.

Prof. Irabien will continue with his teaching and research work as coordinator of the DEPRO research group, where he leads projects and supervises several doctorate thesis.

Congratulations Angel and welcome to the Department. We wish you the best of success!

Special Issue

We would like to announce that our colleagues Maria Margallo and Jorge Cristóbal are launching a Special Issue on “Sustainable Measures and Strategies for Waste Prevention and Management” in Sustainability Journal (MDPI).

The call for papers is already open ( leaving plenty of time for planning since the deadline is 31 May 2021. There, you can find further information on the topics of interest for publication.

If interested, please contact either Maria or Jorge whether you (or any colleague from your research group) intend to submit a contribution with your original research.

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact them.

UCem Awards 2020

The project Ecool Clothes received an honorific mention in sotial responsibility, in the last edition of UCem 2020 Awards. This project is led by Carlota Guati, Carmen Barquín and Deva Pelayo and is aimed at elaborating apparels, like cloth bags, in which they print their own designs, from terephthalate fibers mixed with organic cotton fibers, in order to reduce the environmental impact by recybling plastic wastes. Currently, Carlota Guati and Carmen Barquin are working in the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department.

New Staff: Pablo Fernández

Pablo Fernández. PhD. in Chemical Engineering has recently joined the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department where she is working on the research project “Membranas compuestas selectivas y su incorporación en dispositivos microfluídicos (AEI/FEDER, UE)”, led by Prof. Daniel Gorri.

New Staff: Tamara Sampedro

Tamara Sampedro, Master in Chemical Engineering has recently joined the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department where she is working on the research project “IMPULRAS: Hacia una mejora tecnoeconómica de Eloxiras: Control y minimización de subproductos (RTC-2017-6035-2) (AEI/FEDER,UE)”, led by Prof. Raquel Ibáñez.