New Staff: Laia Ruiz

Laia Ruiz, Master in Chemical Engineering has recently joined the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department where she is working on the research project “Membranas compuestas selectivas y su incorporación en dispositivos microfluídicos (CTQ2016-75158-R) (AEI/FEDER, UE)”, led by Prof. Daniel Gorri.

New Staff: Carlota Guati

Carlota Guati, Master in Chemical Engineering has recently joined the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department where she is working on the research project “Separaciones microfluidicas de elevado rendimiento. Retos y oportunidades. (RTI2018-093310-B-I00) (MCI/AEI/FEDER,UE)”, led by Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz.

Congress: ISIE Americas 2020

Several researchers of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department of the University of Cantabria participated in the ISIE Americas 2020 conference. The event took place in Lima (Peru), on July 6-8, 2020. All participants attended the event in a virtually mode. Rubén Aldaco, María Margallo and Jara Laso were part of the scientific committee and presented two contributions. Moreover, Rubén Aldaco participated as chairman of the session “Management and sustainability”. Then, Laura Ulloa and Sophie Schröder presented two posters.

Projects selected in the VIII Call for Internationalization Actions

The projects “Online teaching as a tool for internationalization of European Project Semester in Chemical Engineering” (coordinated by Prof. Raquel Ibáñez and Dr. Eugenio Bringas) and “Online teaching for internationalization of Master in Chemical Engineering” (coordinated by Prof. Ignacio Fernández and Dr. María José Rivero) have been selected for funding in the framework of the “VIII Call for Internationalization Actions” of the University of Cantabria.

Local Chemistry Olympiad

Last July 14th, 2020, the Local XXXIII Chemistry Olympiad of Cantabria was celebrated via Moodle (virtual room of the University of Cantabria). This event is aimed at high school students and it is organized by the Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Association of Cantabria (AQUIQÁN-ANQUE) in collaboration with the Cantabria Territorial Section of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ). In this edition the winners were:

1st prize: Carmen de la Iglesia Martín (IES Santa Clara, Santander)

2nd prize: Iván Jesús Melero López (IES Santa Clara, Santander)

3rd prize:  Laura Aranau Rodríguez (IES José María Pereda, Santander)

Moreover, Beatriz Sordo Veci (IES Leonardo Torres Quevedo, Santander), Pablo Benavent Ocejo (IES Peñacastillo, Santander) and Yrene Yáñez Bustara (IES Valle del  Saja, Cabezón de la Sal) were distinguished with a special mention. The results were published on AQUIQÁN website.

PhD. Thesis Defense : Miguel Guate

Miguel Guate defended his doctoral tesis “Catalytic reduction of nitrates on polymeric membranes. Modelling and experimental validation”, developed in the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department of the University of Cantabria, supervised by Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz and Dr. Alfredo Ortiz. The academic event took place through Skype Business on July 17th, 2020. The evaluation committee was formed by Prof. Daniel Gorri (University of Cantabria), Prof. Carmen Rangel (LNEG, Portugal) and Dr. Víctor Manuel Ortiz (Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena).

Working Day CONCIENCIA. The Pact for Science & Universities

The event took place on Wednesday, July 8, 2020 at the Palacio de Festivales de Santander, organized by the Vice President of the Government of Cantabria, Mr. Pablo Zuloaga and the Director General of Universities, Mr. Angel Irabien.

Master Projects

Ander Aresti Esteban, Rocío de la Torre Pérez, Adriana Gallardo Echaide and Sergio González Conde defended their final Master thesis in Chemical Engineering (UC- UPV/EHU). The defense took place virtually last July 3rd, 2020 and the academic evaluation committee was formed by Prof. Jose María Arandes (UPV/EHU), Dr. María José Rivero (UC) and Dr. Alfredo Ortiz (UC).

Chemistry Miniolympiad

Last June 26th, 2020, the VI Chemistry Miniolympiad of Cantabria was celebratedvia Moodle (virtual room of the University of Cantabria). This event is aimed at students of ESO (3rd and 4th levels) and it is organized by the Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Association of Cantabria (AQUIQÁN-ANQUE) in collaboration with the Cantabria Territorial Section of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ). In this edition the winners were:

4th ESO:

1st prize: Maria Isabel Coz Salceda – IES Santa Clara (Santander)

2nd prize: Karla Jazmín Cáceres Córdova – IES Villajunco (Santander)

3rd prize: Rosa Patricia González Jubete – IES Las Llamas (Santander)

3rd ESO:

1st prize: Carolina Morante Fernández – IES La Albericia (Santander)

2nd prize: Naiara Cossío Ruiz – Sagrada Familia School (Herrera de Camargo)

3rd prize: Estela Sevilla Gómez – IES Muriedas (Muriedas)

The results were published on AQUIQÁN website: