Research Internship: Juan Corredor

Juan Corredor, PhD student of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department of the University of Cantabria developed his predoctoral reserach internship in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Bowling Green State University, in Ohio (USA), from February 17th until May 18th, 2020. During this period, Juan was working on the comparison of the performance of CdSe and CdTe quantum dots as photosensitizers in photocatalytic hydrogen production system using hydrogenase mimic molecule as catalyst, under the supervision of Dr. Mikhail Zamkov.

Research Internship: Álvaro Soriano

Dr. Alvaro Soriano Portilla developed a reserach internship in the Department of Chemistry and Bioscience, Section of Chemical Engineering, Aalborg University (Esbjerg, Denmark), from February 29 to March 13, 2020. During this period, Álvaro was working on the evaluation of the forward osmosis technology at pilot-plant scale for the treatment of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in water, under the supervision of Jens Muff.

Follow-up project meeting: SUDOE ENERGY PUSH

The follow-up meeting of the European Project “SUDOE ENERGY PUSH” took place on July 1st, 2020, through ”Go to Meeting” app. On behalf of the University of Cantabria team, Alfredo Ortiz, Inmaculada Ortiz and Victor Manuel Maestre participated in the meeting. During the meeting all partners presented their outcomes in the project and discussed about future actions. The next meeting will take place in La Rochelle on September 2020.

Follow-up project meeting: HYLANTIC

The fifth follow-up meeting of the European Project “Atlantic Network for Renwable GEneration and Supply of Hydrogen to Promote High Energy Efficiency – HYLANTIC” took place on June 29 and 30, 2020, through Microsoft Teams app. On behalf of the University of Cantabria, Alfredo Ortiz, as Project Coordinator, and Inmaculada Ortiz, Rafael Ortiz and Gema Pérez participated in the meeting. During the meeting all partners presented their outcomes in the project and discussed about future actions.

PhD. Thesis Defense: Alba Romano Moyano

Alba Romano defended her doctoral tesis “Electrochemical water regeneration in intensive marine aquaculture systems”, developed in the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department of the Universito f Cantabria, supervised by Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz and Prof. Ane Urtiaga. The academic event took place through Skype Business on June 29th, 2020. The evalution committee was formed by Prof. Raquel Ibáñez (University of Cantabria), Dr. Oana David (Fundación Tecnalia Corporación Tecnológica) and Dr. Ángel Fernández Mohedano (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid).


On June 23rd, 2020, took place the award ceremony of the AQUICAN prize for Final Projects of the Degree in Chemical Engineering. In this edition the winners were:

Sergio Valentín Gutiérrez Hernández for his project entitled: “Estudio de las propiedades de permeación de gases refrigerantes a través de membranas compuestas por polímero y líquido iónico”.

Javier Fernández González for his project entitled “Power-to-Synthetic Natural Gas mediante electroreducción de CO2: Viabilidad desde una perspectiva de costes de producción y huella de carbon”.

Cristina Campos Herrero for her project entitled “Análisis de ciclo de vida de la producción de la leche: Aplicación a la industria láctea cántabra”.


PhD. Thesis Defense Announcement: Alba Romano

Alba Romano will defend her doctoral thesis “Eletrochemical water regeneration in intensive marine aquaculture systems”developed in the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department under the supervision of Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz and Prof. Ane Urtiaga. The academic event will take placed on June 29th, 2020, at 11:00 h, through Skype Business application.

Doctoral Seminars 2020

The Chemical, Energy and Process Engineering Doctorate Program organized the anual Doctoral Seminars. The aim of these seminars is to promote the training of PhD students and disseminate their research activities. The seminars, open to the members of the doctorate program and to general public, included the assessment of the doctorate students´progress by the academic panel of supervisors. This year, due to the current situation about COVID-19, the seminars took place through Skype Business app, on June 17 and 18, 2020.

The first session was dedicated to 3rd/4th year Phd. students. During this session the presented works were:

Design of microfluidic devices for biomedical applications – by Arantza Basauri

New developments in photocatalytic hydrogen production – by Juan Corredor

Development and characterization of composite membranes for the selective separation of bioalcohols by pervaporation – by Carla Arregoitia

Photoelectrochemical reduction of CO2 using a continuous membrane reactor – by Sergio Castro

Evaluation of corrosion effects on nickel aluminium bronze (NAB) and manganese aluminium

bronze (MAB) caused by natural Waters – by Ignacio Cobo

Electrochemical CO2 utilization: development of a continuous process for obtaining formate with high efficiency – by Guillermo Díaz

Design of extracorporeal detoxification stages by advanced simulation techniques – by Cristina González

Food production strategies for the mitigation of climate change: towards a circular food economy – by Daniel Hoehn

Development of new Membrane Coated Electrodes for electroreduction of CO2 – by Aitor Marcos

Development of a decision tool to predict membrane morphology using non-solvent induced phase separation synthesis – by Marta Romay

During the second session, on June 18, PhD. students of 2nd year presented the works:

Development of tools to promote resource efficiency in the hot-dip galvanising sector – by Andrea Arguillarena

Evaluación de la sostenibilidad de los hábitos alimentarios. Un enfoque de ciclo de vida – by Laura Batlle

Environmental exposure to particulate matter-bound manganese and other metals: bioaccessibility and biomonitoring – by Bohdana Markiv

Upgrading of industrial waste hydrogen in internal combustion engines – by Rafael Ortiz

Design of new photocatalytic reactors for environmental applications – by Laura Rancaño

Environmental Assessment of Advanced Oxidation Technologies – by Sophie Schröder

Sustainable Environmental Technologies for Energy Harvesting from Waste Streams – by Carolina Tristán Analysis, modeling and design of CO2 desorption from ionic liquids – by Jose Manuel Vadillo

The last session, joined the 1st year PhD. students also on June 18. The presented works were:

Advanced regeneration technologies for the environmental impact mitigation of fluorinated gases – by Salvador Asensio

Development and characterization of 3D biopolymeric membranes functionalized with graphenebased nanomaterials and their integration in perfusion bioreactors for in vitro neural models – by Marián Mantecón

Recuperación y purificación de disolventes en la industria farmacéutica – by Álvaro Martín Quijano

Recuperación y purificación de disolventes en la industria farmacéutica – by Estela Abascal

Challenges in the implementation of photocatalysis for environmental applications – by Carmen Barquín

Continuous synthesis and functionalization of magnetic nanoparticles – by Belén García

Renewable Energy – Hydrogen coupled system for public social housing power supply – by Víctor Manuel Maestre