Más allá de la Pandemia Initiative

Prof. Raquel Ibáñez has been part of the initiative «Más allá de la Pandemia», organized by the Scientific Culture Unit of the University of Cantabria. Raquel has recorded a video explaining how soap can help us to fight against COVID-19 and how chemistry is involved in the process. Additionally, she delivered a webinar on that topic through ZOOM platform, on June 2nd, 2020. Some relevant and interesting issues were discussed with the audience!

International Congress

Carla Arregoitia has participated in the International on-line conference “Innovations in the oil and gas industry, modern energy and its problems”, organized by Tashkent Chemical-Technological Institute. The conference was held on May 26th, 2020, via ZOOM application. Carla presented the work “Pervaporation membrane technology for in-situ recovery of biobutanol from ABE Process”.

International Congress

Víctor Manuel Maestre has participated in the International on-line conference “Innovations in the oil and gas industry, modern energy and its problems”, organized by Tashkent Chemical-Technological Institute. The conference was held on May 26th, 2020, via ZOOM application. Víctor Manuel presented the work “Renewable energy – hydrogen coupled system for public social housing power supply”, developed in the frame of the european project SUDOE ENERGY PUSH.

Back to the lab

Since last week, Researchers of the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department have returned to their ongoing research projects activities. This new period requires the maximum and proper use of personal protective equipment’s (PPE).

Personal Protection Equipments (PPE)

Assistant Professor Guillermo Diaz continues providing face protective screens manufactured with the 3D printer to the research members of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department to keep all staff healthy. Great job Guillermo!

1st Virtual Award Ceremony

The AIChE Student Chapter of the University of Cantabria celebrated the 1st Virtual Awards Ceremony of the ETSIIT Poster Competition 2020 on the occasion of Saint Joseph´s Day. The names of the winners were announced by the President of the Chapter, Lucía Cano, student of 4th year of the Chemical Engineering Degree. The winners were:

1st prize – Gonzalo Moral (student of the European Project Semester (EPS) Programme of the Chemical Engineering Degree) – Title of the work: Silver Salt Facilitated Transport Membranes for Olefin/Paraffin Separation.

2nd prize – Miguel Mirones (student of the EPS  Programme of the Chemical Engineering Degree) – Title: How Composite Ionic Liquid and Polymer Membranes (CILPMs) promote Fluorinated Gas Recycling

3rd prize – Laura Fernández – Title: Carbon Footprint Reduction via CO2 removal technologies (CDRs)

Awardees were congratulated by all participants connected to the on-line event. The AIChE Student Chapter of the UC continues its activities in remote mode.

ENERGY PUSH Newsletter

The second newsletter of the European Project Energy Push echoes the participation of Victor Manuel Maestre and Estela Abascal, researchers of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department, in the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. It also highlights the Project presentation event celebrated last March 11th, 2020, in the ETSIIT of the University of Cantabria.

Department Council

The Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department continues working by using the Its. Last  April 23rd, 2020, the Department council was celebrated through Skype Business App, to approve the proposal of teaching plan for next academic year 2020-2021, among other issues.

Cooperavirus Initiative

Yiran Chen, BSc Chemical Engineering at the University of Cantabria and who was an active member of the Cantabria Student Chapter AICHE, is currently working in the initiative “Cooperavirus”, in order to establish contacts between the urgent sanitary needs and those ones that could solve them, enhancing local collaboration.

Yiran Chen