A new edition of the SUSCHEM Award for Young Chemistry Researchers has been recently published.

All the information is available on:

Application dates: April 14 – May 29, 2020

Science Fair 2020

Andrea Arguillarena, PhD. Student of the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department of the University of Cantabria, participated in the Science Fair, celebrated on April 7th, 2020.

This edition of the science fair took place was celebrated on-line, using Zoom app. Secondary school students of Cantabria had the opportunity to meet researchers of the University of Cantabria to share their science experiences, and comment the projects in which they are working. Andrea met students of 2nd level ESO of the School “Social Bellavista” from Santander. They expressed to Andrea their intention to visit the Chemical Engineering Department in the near future.

Fighting against COVID-19

The Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department of the University of Cantabria offered their 3D printer to fight against COVID-19. During the last weeks, Guillermo Díaz, researcher and junior professor of the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department, was printing  visors and components for respiratory masks for the sanitary personnel of Hospital Sierrallana, located in Torrelavega.

Guillermo Diaz with the 3D Printer and the materials printed

ISO 9001:2015 Certification

The SOSPROCAN Transfer Unit has achieved the certification ISO9001:2015 (Certificate Number: ES1100538-1) for its quality management system, with the scope of determination of organic compounds by GC-MS (Gas Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometry) and elemental analysis by ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry).

The SOSPROCAN Transfer Unit is a result of the collaboration by the research groups of the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department of the UC, aimed at making available the extensive analytical capacities provided by our scientific facilities to the productive sector and the Administration, offering a high quality service.

This certification constitutes a new advancement that show the commitment to quality and continuous improvement, aimed at offering the best service to customers.

ENERGY PUSH Project Presentation

The Cantabria regional government with the University of Cantabria organized a presentation event for the european project “Efficient Energy for PUblic Social Housing”, on March 11th, 2020, in the ETSIIT of the UC.

The event was opened by the General Director of Transport and Communications, Mr. Felipe Peña and the Vice-chancellor of Research and Transfer of Knowledge, Prof. Javier León. Ms. Isabel Roger and Ms. Andrea Rodríguez, director and communication leader of the SUDOE Programme, respectively. Ms. Boryana Valentino, on behalf of Red Cross organization delivered the talk “La Pobreza energética. Un problema global”. Next, Mr. Orestes Cendrero, coordinator of Energy PUSH Project, and Mr. Alfredo Ortiz presented the aim of the project, with the conferences “ENERGY PUSH Project”, and “Energías Renovables como solución a la eficiencia energética”, respectively.

The day was closed by the Public Works, Land Management and Urban Planning Advisor, Mr. José Luis Gochicoa and the Head of the ETSIIT of the University of Cantabria, Prof. Francisco Azcondo.

Back home!

Arantza Basauri is back from her predoctoral research internship developed in Institut für Chemie und Biochemie – Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany. During her stay, from November 15th, 2019 to February 21st, 2020, she has been working on the syntehsis and characterization of functionalized magnetic nano-gel with proteins anti-LPS, under the supervision of Prof. A. G. Haag and Ernesto Osorio.

Science Dissemination

Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz Uribe gave the conference «Agua , energía y calidad de vida» at the Real Academia de Historia y Arte de San Quirce in Segovia on 17 February 2020 and at the IES Parque de Lisboa, Madrid on 24 February 2020 as part of the programme for Science dissemination organised by the Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences.

RSEQ Award: Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz

Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz received the Diploma certificate in recognition of her professional trajectory in Chemical Engineering 2019, awarded by the Chemical Engineering group of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ). This award recognizes an outstanding member of the RSEQ whose career in Teaching & Research in the field of the Chemical Engineering has an impact on the development and promotion of this discipline at national and international scope. The ceremony award took place on February 20th, 2020, at the ETSIIT of the UC, and was chaired by the president of the Chemical Engineering specialized group of the RSEQ, Prof. Juan José Rodríguez Jiménez.

Conference: Prof. Juan José Rodríguez Jiménez

Prof. Juan José Rodríguez Jimenez, Autonomous University of Madrid, delivered the talk “Química Industrial Sostenible”, on February 20th, 2020, in the ETSIIT of the University of Cantabria. The event was organized by the Chemical, Energy and Process Engineering Doctorate Program.

Dissemination Activity: IES Ría del Carmen

Elena Manteca and Gema Pérez organized a workshop on wastewater treatment in the IES Ría del Carmen (Muriedas) on February 17th, 2020. During the workshop, students received a short introduction about chemical Engineering followed by an experimental demonstration on the application of ion exchange technology for water treatment in order to reduce its cupper content to the safe disposal limits. Through this activity, we want to motivate secondary students to continue studying to become the chemical engineering professionals of the future.