Interview: Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz

Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz was interviewed by the local newspaper “El Diario Montañés” after she was awarded by the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ) with the recognition of the trajectory in Chemical Engineering.

New Staff: Belén García

Belén García, Master in Chemical Engineering, has joined the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department, as staff of the project: ”Separaciones microfluidicas de elevado rendimiento. Retos y oportunidades. (RTI2018-093310-B-I00) (MCIU/AEI/FEDER,UE).” principal investigator: Inmaculada Ortiz.

AQUIQÁN Award: Prof. Raquel Ibañez

Prof. Raquel Ibañez was awarded the AQUIQÁN 2019 Prize in recognition of her work developed in the Association of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering in Cantabria (AQUIQÁN). The ceremony award took place during the celebration of the Annual Assembly of AQUIQÁN, that was celebrated on December 19th, 2019.


Alfredo Ortiz delivered a talk to secondary students in Santa Clara High School, in which he highlighted the importance of chemistry in the society and in the industrial and academic sector of Cantabria, using examples related to the topics that they study at school. The event took place on December 19th, 2019.

New Associate Professor

Eugenio Bringas has been promoted to Associate Professor in the area of Chemical Engineering, in a ceremony organized by the University of Cantabria on December 19th, 2019.

Christmas Party

On December 18th, 2019 the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department celebrated the Christmas party at the Casino de Santander restaurant.

We want to wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2020!

Project KET4F-GAS

Why should you be concerned about them? Because the global warming potential of these gases is up to 23,000 times higher than the carbon dioxide one. Moreover, they account for around 6% of the European Union’s greenhouse gas emissions and, if their use is not controlled, the increase in these emissions since 2005 could be almost 140% by 2020.

Find out more, keep updated and participate in

Project Meeting: KET4F-GAS

The 4th Project Meeting of the European project “KET4F-GAS: Reduction of the Environmental Impact of Fluorinated Gases in the Sudoe Space through Key Enabling Technologies”, took place in Santiago de Compostela on December 3, 2019. During the meeting, a summary of the activities developed over the past six months was presented. Moreover, the awareness seminar “Mitigation of the Environmental Impacts of Fluorinated Gases in the Sudoe Region” was celebrated, with participation of experts in the sector, researchers and public administration discussing the progress and territorial strategies. @interregsudoe #KET4FGas