Invited lecturer: Gabriel Zarca

Dr. Gabriel Zarca was invited by the University of Pamplona (Colombia) to participate in the II Simposio Nacional de Ingeniería Química, celebrated on November 26th and 27th, 2019,  where he delivered the conferences “Separación de gases fluorados de alto potencial de calentamiento global empleados como regrigerantes en equipos de aire acondicionado y refrigeración” and “Diseño de un Nuevo proceso para la captura selective de H2 y CO a partir de Corrientes residuales de la industria”.

Invited lecturer: Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz

Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz participated as invited lecturer at the MIDES Desalination School, celebrated in Denia (Alicante, Spain) on November 25-27, 2019. She delivered the conference “Increasing Desalination Sustainability”, on November 26th, 2019.

Amentúrate 2019

On November 25th, 2019, the last workshop of the project Amentúrate took place, as organized by researchers of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department. Raquel Ibáñez, Lucía Gómez and Víctor Manuel Ortiz organized the workshop “Blue Energy: obteniendo energía sostenible del mar”, with the collaboration of Guillermo Díaz and Estela Abascal. During 2 hours they were preparing different solutions to develop some experiments that allowed to obtain energy by applying reverse electrodyalisis.

PhD. Thesis Defense: Álvaro Soriano

Alvaro Soriano defended his doctoral thesis “Process integration based on membrane preconcentration and electrochemical oxidation of poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances in industrial water treatment”, developed in the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department under the supervision of Prof. Ane Urtiaga and Prof. Daniel Gorri. The academic event took placed on November 25th, 2019, at the University of Cantabria and the evaluation committee was formed by Prof. David Bogle (University College, London); Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz (University of Cantabria) and Prof. Salvador Ordóñez (University of Oviedo).

Conference: Prof. David Bogle

David Bogle, Professor of Chemical Engineering at University College London (UCL) and Pro-Vice-Provost of UCL’s Doctoral School, delivered the conference “The Role for Process Systems Engineering in Physiology and Clinical Medicine”. The event took place on November 25th, 2019, and was organized by the Doctorate Programme in Chemical Engineering, Energy and Processes of the University of Cantabria.

New Staff: María de los Ángeles Mantecón

María de los Ángeles Mantecón, MSc in Chemical Engineering, has joined the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department, as staff of the project “X-MEM (EIG CONCERT JAPAN/PCI2018): HACIA UNA FUNCIONALIDAD SUPERIOR: MATERIALES POROSOS DE MATRIZ MIXTA/COMPUESTOS EN PROCESOS DE MEMBRANAS” principal investigator: Nazely Diban.

Internship: Rafael Ortiz

Rafael Ortiz, PhD. student of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department, is currently developing a predoctoral research stay at the Institut für Energie- und Klimaforschung, IEK-3: Technoökonomische Systemanalyse“ of the Research Centre «Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH”, in Germany. From November 1st,2019 to January 31st, 2020, he will work in energy systems modelling for the estimation of hydrogen regeneration in the Atlantic area by using renewable energies, under the supervision of  Martin Robinius and Heidi Heinrichs.

Congress: Technical Symposium on Membranes

Prof Ane Urtiaga has participated in the Technical Symposium on Membranes, organized by AEDyR, that was held in Madrid on November 20th, 2019, with the invited lecture on Progress in the integration of nanofiltration and electrochemical  oxidation for the treatment of persistent organic pollutants. 

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PhD. Thesis Defense: Claudia Solá

Claudia Sola defended her doctral thesis “Traceability of PCDD/Fs formation in the advanced oxidation of triclosan in aqueous samples”, developed in the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department under the supervision of Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz and Dr. María Fresnedo San Román. The academic event took place on November 20th, 2019 at 11:30h in the ETSIIT of the University of Cantabria and the evaluation committed was formed by Prof. Ángel Irabien (University of Cantabria), Dr. Jenifer Gómez (University of Ohio, USA) and Prof. Antonio Casa de Pedro (Autonomous University of Madrid).

New Staff: Víctor M. Maestre

Víctor Manuel Maestre, MSc in Industrial Engineering, has joined the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department, as staff of the project “HYLANTIC: Atlantic network for renewable generation and supply of hydrogen to promote high energy efficiency (FEDER)” principal investigator: Alfredo Ortiz.