Science Week 2019

Researchers of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department continued with the celebration of the Science Week of the University of Cantabria. On Friday, November 15th, 2019, 74 students of the schools Reina Inmaculada, Las Llamas and Jose María Pereda, had the opportunity to visit the Department and speak to researchers that are working on different projects.

Amentúrate 2019

On November 14th, 2019, a new workshop organized by researchers of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department in the frame of the project Amentúrate took place. María José Rivero organized the workshop “Nanomateriales aplicados a la energía y el medio ambiente”, with the collaboration of Marcos Fallanza, Arantza Basauri, Belén García, Laura Rancaño and Gema Pérez, in which 6 students of different schools of Cantabria participated. María José welcomed the students and explained them what a nanoparticle is,, highlighting those applications in which researchers of the Department are involved. After that, the students visited the labs to perform a simple water treatment by using nanoparticles and analyzed the concentration of ammonia in different samples.

We hope you enjoyed as much as we did!

Next “Amenturate activity” in the Department will take place on November 25, 2019 with the seminar “Blue energy: obteniendo energía sostenible del mar”.

All the information is available at:

PhD Assessment Committee, University of Aalborg

Prof.  Ane Urtiaga participated in the Assessment Committee of the PhD thesis of Makdi Nikbakht Fini, entitled Studies of membrane separation for a combined membrane and biofiltration of pesticides in groundwater based drinking water treatment. The defense took place in the Esbjerg campus of the University of Aalborg (Denmark), location of the Section of Chemical Engineering of the Department of Chemistry and Bioscience of Aalborg University, on November 14th, 2019.


Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz published an article in several newspapers (El Correo, Diario Sur) about the role of membrane technologies in the field of biomedical engineering, under the title “Science, Technology and Health”. Here you can read the article.

Congress: AICHE Annual Meeting 2019

Alfredo Ortiz attended the 2019 AICHE Annual Meeting that was held in Orlando (USA) on November 10-15, 2019, where he presented the work “Contribution of Upcycling Surplus Hydrogen to Design of a Sustainable Supply Chain: The Case Study of Northern Spain”.

Science Week 2019

Researchers of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department were involved in the celebration of the Science Week of the University of Cantabria. On Friday, November 8 2019, 82 students of the schools Jardín de África, Augusto G. Linares and Menendez Pelayo had the opportunity to visit the Department and speak to researchers that are working on different projects.

Visit to the University of Tashkent

Prof. Raquel Ibáñez and Dr. Alfredo Ortiz visited the Tashkent Chemical & Technological Institute (TCTI, Tashkent, Uzbekistan) and the Bukhara Engineering-Technological Institute (Bukhara, Uzbekistan) during last week (November 4-8, 2019) in the framework of Erasmus+ K107 Action (Staff mobility for teaching).

During the visit, they gave masterclasses to students of several specialties: Ecology and Environmental Protection, Process Automation, Chemical Technology, Oil and Gas Processing among others.

They also had the opportunity to meet the academic authorities of both institutions, DSc Mutalov Shukhrat Akhmadjanovich, Rector of Tashkent Chemical  & Technological Institute ; and Nusratullo Rajabovich Barakaev, Rector of  BUKHARA Engineering-Technological Institute.

The visit was coordinated by Dr. Adham Norkovilov , former PhD Student in our department, currently Director of the Shakhrisabz branch of the TCTI and Mrs. Zebo Babakhanova, Head of the International Department of TCTI.

Knowledge Transfer: De Nora Meeting

Prof. Ane Urtiaga was  invited to present her research results in the 8th De Nora R&D Symposium that was held at Milan on November 5-6, 2019 and organized by the company De Nora S.p.A. The presentation was aimed at knowledge transfer on the topic of process integration of environmental electrochemical technologies and membrane separation. UC delegation counted with the participation of the doctorate students Alvaro Soriano and Alba Romano. The De Nora R&D Symposium series is aimed at creating sustainable, active, and interactive communication network between the leading Academia Communities and De Nora Corporate R&D Groups.

Defense of Master Thesis

María de los Angeles Mantecón, Zuria Tabernilla, Gontzal Lezcano and Leire Landa, defended their final thesis in the Master in Chemical Engineering (UC-UPV/EHU). The defense took place in the University of Basque Country on October 29th, 2019, and the academic evaluation committee was formed by Prof. Jose María Arandes (UPV/EHU), Dr. María José Rivero (UC) and Dr. Alfredo Ortiz (UC).

Professional Promotion: Eugenio Bringas

On October 29th, 2019, Eugenio Bringas was promoted to Associate Professor in the area of Chemical Engineering. The evaluation committee was chaired by Dr. Mario Mañana (Vice-Chancellor for Campus, Services and Sustainability, UC), with the participation of Prof. Juan José Rodríguez (UAM), Prof. Ana Gayubo (UPV/EHU), Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz (UC) and Prof. Raquel Ibañez (UC).