Doctoral Seminars 2021

The Chemical, Energy and Process Engineering Doctorate Program organized the annual Doctoral Seminars, aimed at promoting the training of PhD. students and disseminate their research activities. In this edition, the seminar took place virtually through Microsoft Teams. The first session, on July 6th, 2021 was dedicated to 3rd/4th year students, while the second and third session, on July 7th, 2021 were dedicated to 1st/2nd year students. The event was open to the members of the doctorate program and to general public.

Final Project Master

Sandra Ceballos, María Chaparro, Iratxe Crespo, Elena Fernández-Escalante, Irina Grosei, Uxue Núñez, Laia Ruiz, Tamara Sampedro, Natalia Trueba, Celia Pérez, Ainhoa Atxirika, Cristina González and Claudia Hergueta defended their final thesis in the Master in Chemical Engineering (UC-UPV/EHU). The defense took place virtually, on July 1st, 2021. The academic evaluation committee was formed by Prof. Daniel Gorri (UC), Dr. Asier Aranzabal (UPV/EHU) and Dr. Maite Artetxe Uría (UPV/EHU).

Predoctoral Research Stay: Andrea Arguillarena

Andrea Arguillarena is currently developing a predoctoral reserach internship at in the Departamento de Ciências e Engenharia do Ambiente in the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Lisbon, Portugal). During this period, July – Septemer 2021, she is working on the life cycle assessment of the technology proposed by the LIFE2ACID project, to include aspects related to the uncertainty analysis and the economic evaluation of the technology focusing on analysing the feasibility of the LIFE2ACID technology in relation to other technologies and to the conventional treatment of spent pickling acids. under the supervision of Graça Martinho, who is Assistant Professor in the “Departamento de Ciências e Engenharia do Ambiente”, and researcher at “MARE – Centro de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente”.

New Staff: Elena Fernández-Escalante Barquín

Elena Fernández-Escalante Barquín, Master in Chemical Engineering, has recently joined the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department of the University of Cantabria to work in the research project “Tecnologías ambientales sostenibles para el aprovchamiento energético de corrientes residuales (CTM2017-87850-R) (AEI/FEDER,UE)”, led by Prof. Raquel Ibáñez.

European Project Semester Final Project Degree

Lucía Calvo Gutiérrez, Elena Diezhandino González, Fabián Musy Palacio and Miguel Viar Fernández, students of the European Project Semester Programme of the Chemical Engineering Degree, defended their final project on June 29th, 2021. The event took place in the room E3 of the ETSIIT and the evaluation committee was formed by Dr. Jonathan Albo, Dr. Marcos Fallanza and Dr. Gabriel Zarca.

Dissemination Project: La Universidad en tu Barrio

A new edition of the dissemination project “La Universidad en tu Barrio” organized by the Scientific Culture Unit of the University of Cantabria is currently taking place. On June 28th, 2021, Guillermo Díaz, Lucía Gómez and Gema Pérez participated in this initiative by delivering the workshop “Atrévete a pensar como un Ingenie@ Químic@: ¿Es de buena calidad el agua de mi ciudad? The workshop took place in the Tabacalera Civic Center and was aimed at the general public. Attendees had the opportunity to learn more about the Sustainable Development Goals and how Chemical Engineers contribute to their achievement. They put into practice the knowledge acquired by testing how effective a treatment for the elimination of contaminants in water can be.

International Summer School in Hydrogen & Fuel Cells Technology

On June 16-18, 2021 the International Summer School in Hydrogen & Fuel Cells Technology, organized by the University of Porto in the frame of the European project HYLANTIC took place virtually. Alfredo Ortiz, coordinator of HYLANTIC project, participated in the opening ceremony within Alexandra Pinto, president of the organizing committee. Moreover, Alfredo delivered the lecture “Hylantic project outputs: Atlantic Network for renewable generation and supply of hydrogen to promote high energy efficiency” and chaired the session “End uses, LCA & Companies”. Furthermore, María Margallo also participated in the event, delivering the lecture “LCA and the use on H2 technologies”.

Final Project Meeting: HYLANTIC

The Final Project meeting of the European Project “Atlantic Network for Renwable GEneration and Supply of Hydrogen to Promote High Energy Efficiency – HYLANTIC” took place on June 15th, 2021, through Microsoft Teams app. Alfredo Ortiz, Inmaculada Ortiz, María José Rivero, Rafael Ortiz and Gema Pérez attended the meeting and presented the last outcomes obtained by the University of Cantabria team.

Follow-up project meeting: SUDOE ENERGY PUSH

Alfredo Ortiz and Víctor Manuel Maestre attended the follow-up meeting of the european project SUDOE ENERGY PUSH, that took place virtually last june 14th, 2021. During the meeting all partners presented their last outcomes in the frame of the project. Alfredo and Víctor talked about their actions in the workpackage 3.