
Inmaculada Ortiz and Miguel Guate attended the Congreso Nacional del Agua, celebrated in Orihuela (Alicante, Spain), on February 21-22, 2019. During the congress, Inmaculada Ortiz participated as invited lecturer in the session “Depuración, reutilización y desalinización”, with a conference entitled “Recuperación de energía a partir de salmueras”. Miguel presented his work “Eliminación de nitritos de aguas contaminadas mediante el empleo de un reactor catalítico de fibras huecas”.

Internship: Felipe Eduardo Olea Chandi

Felipe Eduardo Olea Chandi, student of the Master in Engineering Sciences of the University of Santiago de Chile is developing a research internship in the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department of the University of Cantabria.

During his stay, from February 11 to March 15, 2019, he will work in the selective separation of lantanides, cerium and lanthanum, using membrane contactors, as part of his research in the frame of final master project.

This research internship is financed by the project “Dicyt – Equipo multidisciplinario de procesos para la recuperación de tierras raras” of the University of Santiago de Chile, leaded by Prof. Esteban Quijada, and “Diseño de un proceso de separación con agentes quelantes para la recuperación de metales de corrientes residuales”, leaded by is Dr. Eugenio Bringas, who will also supervise the work of Felipe Eduardo during the internship.

Conference: Prof. Vicente Montiel

Prof. Vicente Montiel, from the Applied Electrochemistry Institute of the University of Alicante, delivered the conference “Electroquímica y acumulación de energía eléctrica”, in the Sala de Grados of the ETSIIT of the University of Cantabria.

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Researchers of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department attended the activities organized by the University of Cantabria on February 11th, for the celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2019

Andrea Arguillarena and Marta Romay visited the IES La Granja in Heras, last Friday 8th, 2019. They delivered the talk “Atrévete a investigar como una ingeniera química”, organized in the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

February 11, celebrates the International Day of Women and Girls in Science , Researchers of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department continued delivering the talk “Atrévete a investigar como una ingeniera química” in several primary, secondary and high schools in Cantabria.

Andrea Arguillarena and Marta Romay visited the CEIP Gerardo Diego in Santa María de Cayón. In Santander, Ane Urtiaga and Sandra Sánchez were at IES Augusto G. Linares,  Cristina González and Sergio Castro at the IES Peñacastillo, Lucía Gómez and Gema Pérez at the IES Las Llamas,  Susana Guadix and Laura Rancaño  at the IES El Alisal.  Jara Laso with María Margallo visited the IES Foramontanos in Cabezón de la Sal.

On February 12th, researchers of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department continued delivering the talk “Atrévete a pensar como una Ingeniera Química” in different secondary schools of the region: Lucía Gómez and Gema Pérez – IES Las Llamas (Santander); Andrea Arguillarena and Marta Romay – IES El Astillero (Astillero); Raquel Ibáñez – IES José Zapatero (Castro Urdiales); Marta Herrero and Carolina Tristán – IES Alberto Pico (Santander); Jara Laso and María Margallo – IES José Hierro (San Vicente de la Barquera).

On February 13th, researchers of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department continued delivering the talk “Atrévete a pensar como una Ingeniera Química”. On this occasion they visited the following schools: Raquel Ibáñez – IES Ataulfo Argenta (Castro Urdiales); Alba Romano, Claudia Solá and Sophie Schröder – IES La Albericia (Santander).

On February 14th, researchers of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department continued delivering the talk “Atrévete a pensar como una Ingeniera Química”. Thursday was a busy day with the following visits: Ane Urtiaga and Sandra Sánchez – IES Augusto G. Linares (Santander); Andrea Arguillarena and Marta Romay – IES Valle de Piélagos (Renedo); Laura Rancaño and Susana Guadix – IES La Marina (Santa Cruz de Bezana); Cristina González and Sergio Castro – IES Marqués de Manzanedo (Santoña); Ane Urtiaga and Sandra Sánchez – IES Muriedas (Camargo); María José Rivero and Marcos Fallanza – IES Leonardo Torres Quevedo (Santander); Alba Romano, Claudia Solá and Sophie Schröder – IES Verdemar (Santander).

On February 15th, researchers of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department finished the series of conferences in the frame of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. The last conferences “Atrévete a pensar como una ingeniera química”, were presented in: IES Muriedas (Camargo) by Nazely Dibán; IES Fuente Fresnedo (Laredo) by Raquel Ibáñez and Clara Casado.

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

On Wednesday February 6th, 2019, Lucía Gómez and Gema Pérez visited the IES María Telo in Los Corrales de Buelna, in the frame of the dissemination activities organized in the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. During the visit, they delivered the talk “Atrévete a investigar como una ingeniera química”, aimed at secondary and high school students.

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Researchers of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department are involved in the dissemination activities on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. From February 1st to 15th, 23 talks in different high schools of the region are planned.


On, February 4th, 2019, students of the IES Marqués de Santillana (Torrelavega) visited the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department. Raquel Ibáñez, responsible of the Chemical Engineering Studies in the ETSIIT, welcomed the students and introduced them a summary of the most attractive projects in which a Chemical Engineer could be involved. After that, the students visited the laboratories and had the opportunity to get more information about the research topics developed in the Department.

Seminar: Dr. Gastón Merlet

Dr. Gastón Merlet delivered the seminar “Desarrollo de una tecnología de microextracción de octaclorodibenzo-p-dioxina desde muestras de leche bovina comercial utilizando líquidos iónicos como solventes y dióxido de carbono supercrítico como facilitador de la extracción”. Dr. Merlet is a postdoctoral researcher in the University of Santiago de Chile, and he is doing a research stay at the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department in the UC, in collaboration with Dr. Fresnedo San Román. The seminar took place last February 1st, 2019.

Dra. María Fresnedo San Román and Dr. Gastón Merlet