Project Meeting

The 2nd meeting of KET4F-Gas project took place last week in the University of Clermont-Ferrand (France).  KET4F-Gas is aimed at the R&D of key enabling technologies for the recovery of fluorinated gases, used as refrigerants in freezers and air conditioning systems. The Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department of UC was represented by Dr. Gabriel Zarca and Prof. Ane Urtiaga, who are involved in the development of membrane gas separation technologies. The project is supported by the INTERREG-SUDOE Program, that promotes territorial cooperation among regions located in the South West of Europe.

The scientific results were also presented in the congress 19th EuropeanMeeting on Environmental Chemistry, that was held in Royat (France), from 3 to6 of December, with the communication entitled “Membrane technology for theseparation and recovery of fluorinated gases used as refrigerants”.

PhD. Thesis Announcement

Juan AndrésÁlvarez will defense his doctorate thesis “Development and Characterization ofpolyethylene multilayer filmes crosslinked by means of electron beamirradiation”, developed under the supervision of Prof. Ane Urtiaga and Prof.María del Rosario Benavente. The thesis has been supported by the programme ofresearch fellowships for the development of industrial doctorates promoted bythe University of Cantabria. The event will take place at 11:00h on December17th, 2018, in the conference room of the ETSIIT.

Project: «La Universidad en tu Barrio»

Lucía Gómez, Guillermo Díaz and Gema Pérez, on behalf of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering (CBE) Department participated in the project “La Universidad en tu Barrio”, organized by the University of Cantabria and the Primary School Gerardo Diego of Santander.

On the 3rd of December, the researchers of the CBE Department, together with Sandra Ceballos, Ana Fernández y Lidia García, students of the Chemical Engineering Degree, supervised an experiment about copper ion exchange as water treatment technology. During the workshop, the primary students had the opportunity to work as a chemical engineer in the laboratory.

Final Master Project

Oscar Condoni, Elena García, Xabier Sukunza, Mayra Suarez and Juan Trueba defended their final Project master thesis in the Master in Chemical Engineering (UC- UPV/EHU) last November 30th, 2018. The academic evaluation was performed at in the conference room of the ETSIIT of the University of Cantabria. The evaluation committee was formed by Prof. Raquel Ibáñez, from the UC, together with Dr. Miriam Arabiourrutia and Dr. Rubén López, both from the UPV-EHU.


Raúl Zarca Lago defended his doctorate thesis “Design and optimization of propylene purification processes using high performance PVDF-HFP/BMImBF4/AgBF4 membranes”, developed in the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department of the University of Cantabria with the supervision of Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz and Dr. Alfredo Ortiz. The event took place on November 29th, 2018. The evaluation committee was formed by Juan Ramón González Velasco (University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Ana María Urtiaga (University of Cantabria) and Edwin Zondervan (Bremen University).

New Staff: Carolina Tristán

Carolina Tristan has recently joined the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department. She will work in the project “Tecnologías Ambientales Sostenibles para el Aprovechamiento Energético de Corrientes Residuales (CTM2017-87850-R) (AEI/FEDER,UE)”, under the supervision of Prof. Raquel Ibáñez.

Graduation Ceremony

The graduation ceremony for Master in Chemical Engineering took place in the Paraninfo of the University of Cantabria, on November 24th, 2018. The new Masters received their diplomas awarding the completion of their studies during the academic year 2017/2018.

Our former students were accompanied by Prof. Raquel Ibáñez.


Alfredo Ortiz, coordinator of the European project “Energetic Sustainability at the SUDOE region: PEMFC-SUDOE Network”, attended the workshop “Challenges for the Implementation of Hydrogen as an Energy Vector in Portugal. Towards a RoadMap for Research, Development and Technology Innovation”, celebrated in Lisbon (Portugal). In this event,  where the H2 bike prototype developed by APRIA was promoted. The event workshop took place on November 21st, 2018, and was organized within the framework of H2_PT project, coordinated by LNEG and co-financed by POSEUR.


Research Project

The initiatitive EIG Concert Japan has selected the project X-MEM: “Outperforming functionality: composite/mixed matrix porous materials in membrane-based processes”, coordinated by Dr. Nazely Diban from the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering of the University of Cantabria in the frame of the EIG CONCERT-Japan 5th Joint Call for projects in the field of Functional Porous Materials.

The project consortium is completed by the University of Yamaguchi (Japan), the Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland), and Atilim University, Hacettepe University and Ege University (Turkey). The project will last 3 years starting on April 2019.