Science Week

Researchers of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department continued participating in the Science Week of the University of Cantabria, on November 16th, 2018. In this occasion, we received students of the School Calasanz (Santander). The students had the opportunity to become Chemical Engineers for one day, and they developed several experiments in the laboratories. They program of activities performed by the students included the measurement of ammonia content in wastewaters, building membranes, preparation of the chemical reactions that moves a car, observation of nanoparticles in a microscope and discussion with the researchers about their findings.

New Full Professor

Daniel Gorri was promoted to Full Professor of Chemical Engineering in a ceremony organized by the University of Cantabria on November 15th, 2018.

CONGRESS: 1st Latin American & Caribbean Young Water Professionals Conference

Dr. Carlos Javier Escudero attended the 1st Latin American & Caribbean Young Water Professionals Conference, organized by International Water Association, that was held in Ciudad de Querétaro (Mexico), on November 5 – 9th, 2018, where he presented the work “Treatment of phenolic compound via photocatalytic processes using TiO2-based nanomaterials”, developed in collaboration with María José Rivero, Juan M. Peralta-Hernández and Inmaculada Ortiz.


Dr. María Fresnedo San Román and the doctorate student Sophie Schröder visited the Chemical Engineering Department of Universidad de Santiago de Chile-Usach, from November 4th to 11th, 2018. During the visit they delivered 3 presentations for students and faculty members of the “Magister en Ciencias de la Ingeniería”, with a Mention in Chemical Engineering. They also performed several experiments of micro-extraction with supercritical fluids in the membrane lab of the Chemical Engineering Department.

Moreover, they attended research meetings with the academic authorities of Usach, aimed at looking for new UC-Usach institutions.

On the other hand, they have also visited the Universidad Católica de Chile to meet professors R. Tapía, M. Isaac and A. Giordano, and the Universidad de Chile to meet professors R. Contreras, R. Ormazabal and S. Gallardo, in the frame of the development of new future collaboration focused on research.


Researchers of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department participate in the Science Week of the University of Cantabria.

On Friday, November 9th, 2018 students of the School San José (Santander) had the opportunity to become Chemical Engineers for one day, and they developed several experiments in the laboratories. They program of activities performed by the students included the measurement of ammonia content in wastewaters, building membranes, preparation of the chemical reactions that moves a car, observation of nanoparticles in a microscope and discussion with the researchers about their findings.

On Tuesday, November 13th, 2018, students of the IES José del Campo (Ampuero) visited the facilities of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department and met researchers that showed them the main experimental set ups in which they are daily working.


On November 6th, 2018, Lucía Gómez, Víctor Manuel Ortiz and Raquel Ibañez welcome in our facilities a group of secondary school students enrolled in the programme “Aménturate”, organized by the University of Cantabria. In this occasion, the students participated in the workshop entitled “Blue Energy: how to obtain sustainable energy from the sea”.

We hope you enjoyed and we are looking forward to welcoming again next November 15 in the final workshop in our facilities: ¿Qué puede hacer un ingeniero químico contra el cambio climático?” (How can a chemical engineer contribute to the fight against climate change?)


Science for Children

Through this link you’ll have the opportunity to watch a funny lesson of our colleague Prof. Eugenio Bringas. The video is aimed at directing science concepts to primary school students.


Follow-up Meeting of HYLANTIC Project

Alfredo Ortiz, María José Rivero, Gema Pérez and Rafael Ortiz attended the second follow-up meeting of the european project Atlantic Network for Renewable Generation and Supply of Hydrogen to promote high energy efficiency – HYLANTIC, celebrated in Brest (France), on November 6th, 2018. During the meeting, sixteenth partners of different institutions of the Atlantic area, presented their progresses in the project and discussed about the future actions to be done before the next meeting that will take place in Belfast next March 2019.

NEW STAFF: Víctor Manuel Ortiz

Dr. Víctor Manuel Ortiz begin s his post-doctoral contract as Juan de la Cierva post-doctoral researcher (Program Juan de la Cierva – Formación) on November 1st, 2018. He will work with PAS research group under the supervision of Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz.


Researchers of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department are working on the development of different several activities and experiments to carry out with the students of Colegio Santander in Santander, in the frame of the celebration of the Science Week, on November 9th, 2018.