María José Rivero, Lucía Gómez, Victor Manuel Ortiz and Guillermo Díaz attended the Workshop “Sesión formativa sobre mentoría”, organized by CISE and given by Rafael Ruiz Bada (Civil Engineer), related to the project “Amenturate”. The workshop took place in the Centro Internacional Santander Emprendimiento, located in the Civil Engineering School of the University of Cantabria, on October 30 th, 2018.


Mike Conde, Aitor Kortina, Borja Molinuevo. Santiago Orozco, Guillermo Penche, José Manuel Vadillo and Héctor Vicente defended their final projectmaster thesis in the Master in Chemical Engineering (UC- UPV/EHU) last October 26th, 2018. The academic evaluation was performed at  in the conference room of the ETSIIT of the University of Cantabria. The evaluation committee was formed by Prof. Raquel Ibáñez, from the University of Cantabria, Dra. Miriam Arabiourrutia and Dr. Rubén López, both from the UPV-EHU.




On October 25th, 2018 researchers of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department welcomed in our facilities a group of secondary school students enrolled in the programme “Amentúrate”, organized by the University of Cantabria. During the seminar the students participated in a Gymkhana where they synthesized and characterized polymeric membranes functionalized with graphene nanomaterials.

We hope you enjoyed as much as we did!

Next “Amentúrate” activities in our Department will take place on November 6 and 11, 2018,  with the titles “Blue energy: obteniendo energía sostenible del mar” and “¿Qué puede hacer un ingeniero químico contra el cambio climático?”.

All the information available here


Prof. Ane Urtiaga and Andrea Arguillarena, on behalf of the UC and Dr. Javier Pinedo, representing Apria Systems, visited the production facilities of the company Galvanizados Izurza (GISA), located in Izurza (Bizkaia). This visit, which took place last October 25, 2018, is part of the activities of project LIFE2ACID aimed at the recovery of zinc and iron chloride form spent pickling acids generated in galvanizing processes. We would like to thank the support of GISA to the project activities and the productive discussion with the technical staff of the company.


Last October 23rd, 2018 Ane Urtiaga and Gema Pérez, on behalf of our Department, appeared on the local newspaper “El Diario Montañés”, as one of the most active groups that contribute to the science dissemination activites. Currently, we are involved in the organization of the “Science Week”, in the project “La Universidad en tu Barrio” and in the contest “Science with Art” .


Researchers of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department participate in the project “Grupo Operativo Praderas de Cantabria y alimentos saludables con beneficio ambiental”. The project is aimed at the transfer of knowledge to farmers, producers of dairy products and consumers, so that all the agents involved in the production and consumption chain are aware of the nutritional and environmental benefits of feeding cows with grass and forage.

The Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Departmnet is in charge of the determination of the profile of the fatty acids contained in milk and in meat, with special focus in the discrimination of beneficial omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Aditionally, we are participating in the life cycle analysis of the production and consumption processes, that incorporates new nutritional indicators.


Ane Urtiaga and Maria Margallo participated in the press conference aimed at dissemination of results of the project “Grupo Operativo Praderas de Cantabria y alimentos saludables con beneficio ambiental”.

The information was delivered by the regional news program Telecantabria (La 1 – TVE)

(from minute 7:05 to 8:57)

Professional Promotion: Prof. Daniel Gorri

Last Friday, October 5, 2018, Daniel Gorri was promoted to Full Professor in Chemical Engineering. The evaluation committee was chaired by Prof. Javier León, vice-chancellor for research and development of the University of Cantabria, with the participation of prof. Juan José Rodríguez from the University Autónoma de Madrid, Prof. Javier Bilbao from the Basque Country University and Profs. Inmaculada Ortiz and Ane Miren Urtiaga from the University of Cantabria.

Academic Visit

Dr. Lucia Gómez, researcher of GRADISAL Project visited the Department of Applied Physics of the University of Valladolid, from October 1 to 5, 2018, to perform several test on membrane characterization, related to the development of the project activities.

Congress: V National Meeting of Photocatalysis Groups

Dr. María José Rivero attended the V National Meeting of Photocatalysis Groups and 2018 Joint UK&Ireland/Spain Semiconductor Photochemistry Meeting, celebrated in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, on September 10-12th, 2018. During the events María José presented the work: M.J. Rivero, R. Ibáñez, A. Urtiaga, I. Ortiz. Challenges and developments in water treatments.