Paula Ribao will defend her doctorate thesis “Design of TiO2-based materials for photocatalytic environmental applications”, developed in the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Departament with the supervision of Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz and Dr. María José Rivero. The event will take place on September 28th, 2018 at 12:00h, at the conference room of the ETSIIyT.



Title: Engineering ion-polymer interactions for chemical separations and functional materials design

By: Dr. Jason E. Bara, Associate Professor, The University of Alabama.
Event Date: September 27th, 2018
Event Place: Conference Room, ETSIIyT, University of Cantabria
Hour: 12:00 a.m.
Organized by: Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Química, de la Energía y de Procesos


Dr. Nazely Diban was promoted to Associate Professor after the evaluation by the committee formed by Prof. Ángel Irabien, Prof. Ane Urtiaga and Dr. Ignacio Fernández, on September 18th, 2018.

New Staff: Pablo Mazón

Pablo Mazón, MSc in Chemical Engineering, has joined the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Departament at the University of Cantabria, as research staff in the project “IMPULRAS: Hacia una mejora tecno-económica de ELOXIRAS: Control y minimización de subproductos (RTC-2017-6035-2) (MINECO/FEDER, UE)” under the supervision of Prof. Raquel Ibáñez.


Claudia Solá attended the 38th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants & 10th International PCB Workshop: Dioxin 2018, celebrated in Krakow (Poland), on August 26-31, 2018. She presented the communications “Aqueous oxidation of triclosan: the potential formation of PCDD/Fs” and “Dioxins and furans as byproducts in the advanced oxidation of triclosan”.


RESEARCH STAY: Álvaro Soriano

Álvaro Soriano, PhD. student of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department is currently developing his predoctoral research stay at the Carnegie Mellon University, in Pittsburgh (USA) under the supervision of Prof. Lorenz T. Biegler. During this period, from July 7th – October 7th, 2018, he is working on application of optimization strategies for the integration of membrane separation and electrochemical oxidation for the removal of persistent pollutants.


​Raquel Ibáñez and María Margallo, professors of the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Departament, within the technitian on the International Relationships Service of the University of Cantabria, Pablo Díaz, had the opportunity of performed a short stay in the Shamoon College of Engineering (SCE) in Israel, in the frame of the bilateral international mobility agreement Erasmus+ KA107 (project 2016-1-ES01-KA107-023213). UC Delegation was completed by Pablo Díaz, administrative personnel in the International Relations Office of the UC.

During the visit they the UC delegation met with the supervisors of different several chemical engineering departaments groups of the Beer-Sheve and Asdhot, in order to discuss about the mobility of master and doctorate students between both institutions, improving the collaboration in common research fields and establishing relationships that toencourage the joint participation in different projects in the future.

Moreover they could visit places that are in the common imagination, like the Dead Sea or Jerusalem.



On July 23rd, 2018 the students who followed the European Project Semester Programme defended their final degree project in Chemical Engineering.  . Salvador Asensio, Belén García, Carlota Guati, María de los Angeles Mantecón and Diego Melón  presented their works. The evaluation committee was formed by Jonathan Albo, Marcos Fallanza and María Margallo.

PhD. THESIS DEFENSE: Jenifer Gómez Pastora

Jenifer Gómez defended her doctorate thesis “On the design of lab-on-a-chip devices for magnetophoresis separations”, developed in the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department with the supervision of Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz and Dr. Eugenio Bringas. The evaluation committee was formed by Prof. Ángel Irabien Gulías (University of Cantabria, Spain), Prof. Juan José Rodríguez Jimenez (Autonomous University of Madrid) and Dr. Jean Berthier (University of Washington).

The defense took place on July 20th, 2018 at 11:30h, at the conference room of the ETSIIT of the University of Cantabria.



On July 19th, the Doctorate Seminars of the Program in Chemical, Energy and Process Engineering continued with the following presentations:

Third year students:

Selene Cobo: “Trade-offs between sustainability criteria in a circular biowaste management system

Ángela Fernández: “El modelo de economía circular aplicado en la gestión de un residuo peligroso: análisis de la viabilidad técnica y económica”

Jose Antonio Fernández: “Metodología para la evaluación de la sostenibilidad de la fracturación hidráulica mediante la técnica de decisión multicriterio fuzzy-ANP”

First year students:

Guillermo Díaz: “Electrochemical CO2 utilization: development of a continuous process for obtaining formate with high efficiency”

Daniel Hoehn: “Food production strategies for the mitigation of climate change: towards a circular food economy”