RESEARCH STAY: Cristina González – April – May 2018

Cristina González has recently finished her predoctoral internship at the Experimental Science Faculty of the University of Huelva. She has been working with the research group FILICO (Física de Líquidos Complejos, under the supervision of Prof. Felipe Jiménez Blas. During the stay, from April 9th, 2018 to May 3rd, 2018, Cristina has been working in the introduction to the molecular simulation by using the software of molecular dynamics GROMACS.


The KET4F-gas project, funded by the Interreg-Sudoe second call, has been launched. The first preparatory meeting of the KET4F-Gas project took place in the University of Cantabria last April, 10th, 2018. The department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering hosted the meeting with the participation of partners coming from Portugal, France and Spain and covering seven different regions in the South Western European SUDOE area.

KET4F-Gas project has the objective of developing and demostrating key enabling technologies to avoid the emission of HFC gases used in refrigeration with high global warming potential, according to the objectives of the Kigali amendment to the Montreal protocol.

AWARD CEREMONY – April 9th, 2018

Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz received the Research Prize 2017 of the University of Cantabria Social Council. The Award Ceremony took place on April 9th, 2018, and was chaired by the President of the Regional Government, Mr. Miguel Ángel Revilla, in company of the president of the Societal Council, Mr. José Luis Zárate, the Rector of the UC, Prof. Agel Pazos, the President of the Regional Parliament, Mrs. Dolores Gorostiaga and the Vice-President of the Regional Government, Ms. Rosa Eva Díaz. During the event, Inmaculada Ortiz delivered a lecture on the topic Advanced Separation Processes, in which she summarized the main milestones of her research trajectory activity.


Víctor Ortiz, Doctor in Environmental Engineering and Chemical and Biotechnological Processes, has joined to the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department as research staff in the project “GRADISAL: Aplicación en Cantabria de la Tecnología EDR (Electrodiálisis Reversa) a la obtención de energía renovable marina mediante gradiente salino. Fase I: Viabilidad técnico-económica (RM16-XX-046 – SODERCAN/FEDER)”, PI: Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz.

NEW RESEARCH STAFF IN HYLANTIC PROJECT: Rafael Ortiz and Gema Pérez – April 2018

Gema Pérez, doctor in Chemical Engineering and Rafael Ortiz, Master in Industrial Engineering have recently joined the European project “Atlantic Network for Renewable Generation and Supply of Hydrogen to promote High Energy Efficiency – HYLANTIC”. The project, coordinated by the University of Cantabria, count on with partners from Spain, United Kingdom, Ireland, France and Portugal.

OPEN DOORS DAY – March 22nd, 2018

On March 22nd, 2018 we received the visit of several groups of high school students interested in studying engineering degrees, as the degree in Chemical Engineering. During the visit to the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, the researchers showed to the students their projects and the academic and research facilities.

We are looking forward to receiving you as first-year student in the Chemical Engineering Degree!


Last March 21st, 2018 AICHE Universidad de Cantabria Student Chapter, in collaboration with AQUIQÁN, organized a meeting with former graduates in Chemical Engineering. Mariana Díaz and Pablo Fernández, PhDs in Chemical Engineering, talked to the audience about their professional experience in the companies Dynasol and Moehs Cantabra S.L. Moreover, Alberto Romero, Master in Chemical Engineering, spoke about his development in Nestle S.A.

ACADEMIC VISIT – March 21st, 2018

The course on Best Available Technologies for the Process Industry, part of the Master program in Chemical Engineering (UC-UPV/EHU), organized a visit to the production facilities of the company Aditya Birla – Columbian Carbon Spain, located in Gajano (Cantabria). At present Birla Carbon is the only producer of carbon black in the Iberian Peninsula

The visit took place on March 21, 2018 and was preceded by a master lecture on the carbon black process description, delivered by Dr. Jose Luis Fernandez (Process Engineer at Aditya Birla) The picture shows the group of 35 students enrolled in the course, accompanied by Prof. Ane Urtiaga, Dr. Marcos Fallanza, and the personnel of Birla Carbon. We would like to acknowledge the factory director Dr. Jacinto Zarca, for making possible this academic activity, and the excellent attention received from all the personnel of the company.

SAINT JOSEPH´S DAY: March 19th, 2018

The ETSIIT of the University of Cantabria celebrated Saint Joseph´s Day, last March 19th, 2018. Three Chemical Engineering students received awards to their academic projects:

Doctorate Programs in the ETSIIT: Sandra Sánchez Gonzalez «“Nuevos polímeros funcionalizados como soporte para el desarrollo de modelos neuronales in vitro”, supported by the company Deloitte.

Master in Chemical Engineering: Sophie Schröder “Análisis de intercambiadores iónicos quelantes como agentes de separación para la gestión de ácidos agotados”, supported by the company Apria Systems.

Chemical Engineering Degree: Jose Manuel Vadillo “Design, building and testing of a Chem-E-Car prototype based on a chemical reaction”, supported by the company Solvay Química.

During the event, the Universidad de Cantabria AIChE Student Chapter gave three prizes awarding the most outstanding contributions to the scientific posters competition:

  • Marian Mantecón “PCL/rGOmembranes as scaffolds in a perfusion bioreactor for tissue engineering: experimental assessment and modelling”
  • Salvador Asensio “Modelling of  absorption refrigeration using F-gas + Ionic Liquid pairs with the soft-SAFT EoS”
  • Sergio San Martín “POWER TO GAS: Integration of wind renewable energy for Hydrogen generation as a future energetic vector in the Atlantic area”

Moreover, Jose Manuel Vadillo was awarded with the AQUIQÁN prize to the best final project degree.

CONGRESS: EHEC 2018 – March

Alfredo Ortiz, María Yáñez and Rafael Ortiz attended the European Hydrogen Energy Conference – EHEC 2018, celebrated in Málaga (Spain), last March 14-16, 2018,where they presented the recent results of their research. Alfredo Ortiz and María Yáñez gave the lectures “Innovative ionic liquids co-polymers as membrane electrolytes for fuel cell applications” and “Surplus hydrogen reuse using decision-making techniques in northern Spain“. Rafael Ortiz presented the poster “POWER TO GAS: Integration of wind renewable energy for Hydrogen generation as a future energetic vector in the Atlantic área”.