Ana Hernández, Azucena Abejón, Sergio Castro, Aitor Marcos, Guillermo Díaz, Pedro Díaz and Sandra Sánchez participated in the “ERA CAREER DAY: Diseña tu futuro profesional”. The event took place on February 8 – 9, 2018 at the conference room of the EDUC.

Info about the event

Moreover, on February 12 – 13, 2018, the PhD. students of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department, Marta Romay, Cristina González, Azucena Abejón, Laura Ulloa, Sergio Castro, Aitor Marcos, Guillermo Díaz and Pedro Díaz, attended the seminar “Curso Básico – Bloque I”, organized by Escuela de Doctorado of the University of Cantabria. The seminar took place at the Escuela de Doctorado of the University of Cantabria.


On February 8th, 2018, Nazely Diban, Lucía Gómez and Gema Pérez introduced the role of Chemical Engineering in the Society to students of the Special Education School Padre Apolinar, as part of the events organized by the University of Cantabria for the celebration of the Internation Day of Women and Girls in Science.

Moreover, Beatriz Gómez and Paula Ribao, participated in the event organized by the ETSIIyT in the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. They talked about their own experiences as chemical engineers in the science world.

SEMINAR – February 5th, 2018

Last February 5th, 2018 Raúl Zarca and Jenifer Gómez gave a seminar to report the outcomes of their research stays in international research institutions.

Raúl Zarca talked about Optimization of a Hybrid Membrane-Distillation Process for Polymer-Grade Propylene Production, work performed during his stay at the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Carnegie Mellon University (USA) working under the supervision of Prof. Larry Biegler.

Jenifer Gómez presented her work  “On Chip Polyelectrolyte Coating onto Magnetic Droplets”, developed during her stay at the School of Mathematics and Physical Sciences of the University or Hull (United Kingdom) working under the supervision of Prof. Nicole Pamme.

ACADEMIC VISIT «Encuentros con la Ingeniería Química», January 30th, 2018

Last January 30th, a group of students of the high school Marqués de Santillana, located in Torrelavega, visited our facilities. During the visit, they had the opportunity to know about different projects that are being developed in our department now and they approached and asked questions to the department researchers.

CONFERENCE: Prof. Lorenz T. Biegler, January 29th, 2018

Prof. Lorenz T. Biegler, from the Chemical Engineering Department of the Carnegie Mellon University, gave the lecture “New paradigms for optimization of large-scale chemical processes”, last January 29th, 2018 at the conference room of the ETSIIT of the University of Cantabria. The conference was organized by Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Química, de la Energía y de los Recursos.

SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS, January 26th, 2018

Last January 26th, 2018 The solemn act of investiture of the new doctors took place on the occasion of the celebration of Saint Thomas Aquinas. During the ceremony, Mariana Díaz, Pablo Fernández, Carolina Fernández, Lucía Gómez and Mariano Puente were nominated as Doctors of the University of Cantabria.

During the event, Dr. Antía Pérez, who defended the doctorate thesis “Integrated Treatment and Valorization of Reverse Osmosis Saline Concentrates”, developed in the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department last February 2015, received the Award to Distinguished PhD Thesis in the field of Engineering and Jose Manuel Vadillo received the Best Academic Record among new graduates in the Chemical Engineering Degree.

SEMINAR, January 25th, 2018

Last January 25th, Beatriz Gómez, Paula Ribao and Sandra Sánchez took part in a seminar to report the outcomes of their research stays in international research institutions.

Beatriz Gómez, who developed her research stay at the School of Mines of Colorado (USA) talked about “Sequential treatments of poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances in AFFF-impacted water by UV activated persulfate oxidation and hydrated electron reduction”.

Paula Ribao, who spent 3 months at the Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia (LNEG) in Portugal, spoke about “Challenges arising from the use of TiO2-rGO-Pt photocatalysts to produce hydrogen from crude glycerol compared to synthetic glycerol”.

Sandra Sánchez, who developed the research stay at the Oxford Institute of Biomedical Engineering (IBME), in the United Kingdom, talked about “Polycaprolactone/graphene-based nanoparticles composite membranes to induce stem cells differentiation and maturation into neural-like cells”.

CONFERENCES: Dr. Víctor Manuel Ortiz, January 24th, 2018

Last January 24th, Dr. Víctor Manuel Ortiz Martínez from the Chemical Engineering Department of the Chemistry Faculty of the University of Murcia taught the lecture “Fuentes de energía renovables: pilas de combustible microbianas para obtención de electricidad a partir de efluentes residuales y producción de biocombustibles en medio supercrítico”, at the  Sala de Grados of the ETSIIyT of the University of Cantabria. The event was organized by Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Química, de la Energía y de Procesos.

Conferences during the IV CIDIQ, January 21-23, 2018

During the celebration of the IV CIDIQ , the opening conference was taught by Prof. Jarka Glassey. She spoke about “Chemical Engineering Education – Do we teach the right skills for a global economy of the future effectively?”, in the conference room of the ETSIIyT of the University of Cantabria, on Monday January 22nd, 2018. Moreover, Prof. Arturo Romero was in charge of the closing plenary lecture, that was held at the same place, on Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018. Prof. Arturo Romero talk was entitled  “El Reto de Aprender Ingeniería Química en España”.


IV CIDIQ, January 21-23, 2018

The IV teaching Innovation Congress in Chemical Engineering took place from January 21st to 23rd at the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department of the University of Cantabria.

The Department organized and hosted the Conference. Several members of the academic staff reported their works:

Learning by doing: The Chem‐E‐Car case study at the University of Cantabria. Antonio Dominguez‐Ramos, Manuel Alvarez‐Guerra, Raquel Ibañez and Angel Irabien.

Incorporating Life Cycle Assessment and Eco-design tools for Green Chemical Engineering: a case study of competences and learning outcomes assessment. Rubén Aldaco, Antonio Dominguez and María Margallo.

Introducción de la ingeniería biomédica en el curriculum de Ingeniería Química. Nazely Diban.

Programa de estudiantes del 10º Congreso Mundial de Ingeniería Química: una experiencia de éxito. Alicia L. Garcia‐Costa, Manuel Álvarez‐Guerra, Raquel Ibañez y Juan J. Rodriguez.

Desarrollo de competencias transversales mediante técnicas de aprendizaje activo en equipo en la asignatura “Dynamics and Control of Chemical Processes”. Gabriel Zarca, Nazely Diban y Ane Urtiaga.

Integración del aprendizaje práctico y teórico en el tratamiento de aguas residuales. María Margallo, Marcos Fallanza, Henar Samaniego y Raquel Ibañez.

Empowering the students: choose your LCA case study. Antonio Dominguez‐Ramos, María Margallo‐Blanco, Jonathan Albo and Javier Pinedo.

Fortalezas y retos de los Másteres Interuniversitarios: la experiencia del Máster en Ingenieria Química por las Universidades de Cantabria y del País Vasco. Ignacio Fernández‐Olmo, Ana G. Gayubo, Ane M. Urtiaga, Raquel Ibañez.

Some important things chemical engineering students never asked about research. Aitor Marcos‐ Madrazo, Guillermo Díaz‐Sainz, María Yáñez, Ana Fernández‐Barquín and Clara Casado‐Coterillo.

Chemical Engineering European Project Semester: integrando competencias en la enseñanza de la Ingeniería Química. Marcos Fallanza, María Margallo, Jonathan Albo, Antonio Domínguez‐ Ramos, Eugenio Bringas, María José Rivero, Raquel Ibañez e Inmaculada Ortiz.

La materia Experimentación en Ingeniería Química: panorama en la universidad española. Mª Fresnedo San Román y Raquel Ibáñez.

Integración de la competencia de la comunicación oral y escrita en el currículum del Máster Universitario en Ingenieria Química. Ignacio Fernández‐Olmo, María José Rivero y Manuel Alvarez.

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