NEW STAFF: Sophie Schröder – November 2017

Sophie Schröder, master in Chemical Engineering, has recently joined the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department to work in the project “Identificación y cuantification de las variables responsables de la potencial formación de PCDD/Fs en procesos de oxidación avanzada (Cofinanciado con Fondos FEDER)”, whose main researcher is Dr. María Fresnedo San Román.


Last November 8th, 2017, the results of the collaborative Project GRADISAL were reported in the frame of the meeting jointly organized by IH and SODERCAN.

The project aims at analyzing the techno-economic viability of the recovery of the energy contained in the Saline Gradient in Cantabria and is jointly developed by the UC team of the Chemical and Biomolecular Department and the companies MARE and APRIA SYSTEMS.


María José Rivero and Sara Domínguez attended to the 3rd Iberoamerican Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies (III CIPOA), which was held in Guatapé, Colombia, on November 14 – 17, 2017.

They presented their works:

Dominguez presented a work entitled “Modeling of radiant field in a light emitting diodes photocatalytic reactor using TiO2”, which was awarded as one of the best poster communications of the Conference, and Maria J. Rivero presented the work “Selecting an optimal concentration of benzoquinone for a sustainable use as superoxide radical scavenger”.


CONGRESS: ISEC 2017 – November 5-9, 2017

Dr. Mª Fresnedo San Roman and Dr. Eugenio Bringas attended the 21st International Solvent Extraction Conference (ISEC 2017) that took place in Miyazaki (Japan) from November 5th to 9th, 2017. During the conference they presented the works “Recovery of valuable compounds from spent pickling solutions by the combination of liquid membranes and electro-membrane technologies” (oral presentation), “CFD analysis of interfacial mass transfer in micro-solvent extraction processes” (poster presentation) and “Membrane-based solvent extraction for cobalt(II) separation using Cyanex 272” (poster presentation).

NEW STAFF: Luis Alberto Herrero – November 2017

Luis Alberto Herrero has recently joined the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department to work in the project “GRADISAL – Aplicación en Cantabria de la Tecnología EDR (Electrodiálisis Reversa) a la obtención de energía renovable marina mediante gradiente salino. Fase I: Viabilidad Técnico-Económica”, whose main researcher is Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz.


The Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department participated in the Science Week 2017 organized by the University of Cantabria.

On November 10th, 2017 we received in our Department 21 students from the high school Maria Telo located in Los Corrales de Buelna.

On November 17th, 2017 we received in our Department the visit of 21 students of the school Jardín de Africa (Santander).

During the visit they put hands on different experiments and techniques in the lab and visited our facilities. They removed copper from contaminated waters, synthetized membranes for medical applications and checked the operation mode of the Chem car, among other topics.


PROJECT MEETING – November 2017

Last November 9th, 2017 the meeting of the project “Estrategias avanzadas de integración de membranas y procesos electrocatalíticos y fotocatalíticos para la eliminación de contaminantes persistentes (CTM2016-75509-R)” took place, with the participation of Dr. Oana David, from Tecnalia and Prof. Ane Urtiaga and Dr. Nazely Diban, from the University of Cantabria.

NEW STAFF: Carla Arregoitia

Carla Arregoitia, Master in Chemical Engineering, has recently joined the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department of the University of Cantabria, where she will work in the project “Membranas Compuestas Selectivas y su Incorporación en Dispositivos Microfluídicos”, under the supervision of Dr. Daniel Gorri and Dr. Marcos Fallanza.


Dr. Lamia Bennabi, teacher researcher at the University Ibn Khaldun of Tiaret in Algeria has performed a research visit of 15 days of duration from 24th October to 7th November 2017 at the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department of the University of Cantabria as follow-up of the research collaboration initiated 2 years ago on the preparation and characterization of biocompatible polymer microspheres for controlled drug release.

NEW FULL PROFESSOR: Raquel Ibáñez – October 30th, 2017

Last October 30th, 2017, Raquel Ibáñez was proposed for recruitment as Full Professor by the evaluation committee formed by Prof. Javier León (Vice-chancellor of Research at UC) Prof. Ángel Irabien (University of Cantabria), Prof. Ane Urtiaga (University of Cantabria), Prof. Juan José Rodríguez Jiménez (Autonomous University of Madrid) and Prof. Javier Bilbao (University of the Basque country).