Round Table

Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz has taken part in the AEDyR Conference round table on Water desalination and reuse on May 26, 2021.

Plenary Lecture: Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz

Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz Uribe gave the Plenary Lecture Membrane-assisted photocatalytic reactors. Achieving the paradigm of process integration, at SESTEC 2020 Conference on March 24th, 2021.

Plenary Lecture: Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz

Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz Uribe gave the Plenary Lecture Membrane Reactors: From Fundamentals to Future Perspectives at CAMURE-11 Conference on March 22nd 2021.


It is a pleasure to announce that the Association of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Cantabria – AQUIQÁN has announced 3 grants for PhD and Master students members of Association who are participating in national and international conferences held before September 30, 2021.

 The aim of the grants is to promote the participation of non-doctoral teaching and research staff, as well as contracted research staff, in congresses and scientific meetings that take place during the year 2021 outside the regional scope of Cantabria. Given the current situation, the call for the year 2021 involves both in-person and on-line participation. 

The call lis opened until May 30, 2021.

Requirements: Interested participants must be members of AQUIQÁN and can send their application to the e-mail address of the Association (, including in the application the abstract of the congress already accepted. The amount of each grant is 80 €, will be awarded in order of application and only one grant per person per year.

Chemistry Miniolympiad

On May 7th, 2021 the VII Chemistry Miniolympiad, organized by the Association of Chemitry and Chemical Engineering of Cantabria – AQUIQÁN in collaboration with Cantabria Section of the RSEQ, was celebrated through Moodle platform. The results were published on AQUIQÁN website last May 11th, 2021 (

The 4th ESO winners were:

1st prize: Moisés Poo García (IES Marqués de Santillana, Torrelavega)

2nd prize: Jimena Prieto García (Colegio San Agustín, Santander)

3rd prize: Claudio Pando Fernández (IES Dr. José Zapatero Domínguez, Castro Urdiales)

And the 3rd ESO winners were:

1st prize: Eva Revuelta Gutiérrez (Colegio Sagrada Familia, Herrera de Camargo)

2nd prize: Ángel Zhou (Colegio Purísima Concepción, Santander)

3rd prize: Óscar Gutiérrez Cadenas (Colegio Sagrada Familia, Herrera de Camargo)

National Chemistry Olympiad

The winners of the local Chemistry Olympiad celebrated last March, make an extraordinary participation in the National Chemistry Olympiad celebrated virtually on April 30th, 2021. Iván Jesús Melero López (IES Jose María Pereda, Santander) came in second position winning the silver medal, while Estíbaliz Sáez de Astiazu Mañes (IES Ocho de Marzo, Castro Urdiales) received an honor mention.

Open Doors Day

On May 4th, 2021 a group of secondary students visited the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department of the University of Cantabria in the frame of the Open Doors Day of the UC. They were welcomed by Prof. Raquel Ibáñez who gave them some tips about the role of the Chemical Engineerings in the professional world, and after that they visited the teaching and research laboratories, where they had the opportunity of speaking with some researchers that explained to them the scientific works in which they are currently involved.

International Summer School in Hydrogen & Fuel Cells Technology

It is a pleasure to announce the celebration of the International Summer School in Hydrogen & Fuel Cells Technology, organized by the University of Porto in the frame of HYLANTIC project. In the current circunstances, caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic, the event is taking place virtually on June 16-18, 2021.

All the information is available on:

Free Registration:

New members of the Department Council

On April 27th, 2021 the election for the sector B members of the Council of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department took place. Once the electoral process has finshed the new representatives are: Beatriz Arce, Salvador Asensio, Carmen Barquín, Ana Fernández, Javier Fernández, Carlota Guati, Víctor Manuel Maestre, Marián Mantecón, Sophie Schröder, Carolina Tristán and Jose Manuel Vadillo.


Our colleagues, Cristina Campos, Daniel González and Sergio Gutiérrez participated in the TV Show “Boom”, last April 30th, 2021. During the program they impressed the presenter when they explained to the audience the research topics in which they are currently involved in the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department.