MEETING – June 27th, 2017

María Fresnedo San Román, Sonia Gómez, Javier Pinedo and Claudia Solá attended the event “CONSULTA PRELIMINAR AL MERCADO para la descontaminación del barranco de Bailín (Huesca)”, celebrated at the Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud IACS (Zaragoza) last June 27th, 2017.


PEMFC-SUDOE Meeting – June 23rd, 2017

The PEMFC-SUDOE European Project 2017 annual meeting took place last June 23rd, 2017 in Porto (Portugal). Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz, Dr. Alfredo Ortiz and PhD student María Yañez participated as members of the leader beneficiary, University of Cantabria.

PhD. COMMITTEE – June 15th, 2017

On June 15th, 2017, Dr. Alfredo Ortiz participated as secretary of the jury in the defense of the doctoral thesis “Development of Polybenzimidazole and Ionic Liquid based Membranes for high temperature proton Exchange Membranes (PEMs) and gas Separation Applications” of D. Parashuram Kallem at the University of Zaragoza within the framework of Erasmus Mundus Doctorate in membrane Engineering (EUDIME) to obtain multiple Doctorate degrees issued by Universidad de Zaragoza and University of Montpellier.


Ane Urtiaga, María Fresnedo San Román, Sonia Gómez and Claudia Solá attended the VIII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Espectrometría de Masas – V Reunión Nacional de Dioxinas, Furanos y compuestos orgánicos persistentes relacionados, celebrated in Barcelona last June 12-16, 2017 where they presented their works:

Ane Urtiaga: Electrochemical technology for the abatement of Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) water pollution

Sonia Gómez: Occurrence of Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) in Northern Spain municipal solid waste landfill leachates

Claudia Solá and María Fresnedo San Román: The potential formation of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins and Dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) during the electrochemical oxidation of Triclosan.

CONGRESS: HYCELTECH 2017 – June 19-23, 2017

Inmaculada Ortiz, Alfredo Ortiz, Manuel Álvarez and María Yáñez attended the VI Symposium on Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Advanced Batteries, celebrated last June 19-23, 2017 in Porto (Portugal). Alfredo participated in the Session on European Projects related to the conference topics. Manuel gave the keynote “CO2 to useful products: Electrochemical processes for carbon utilization” and María Yáñez presented her poster entitled “Waste-to-energy: Hydrogen recovery from industrial waste gaseous streams in the SUDOE region”. At the end of the Conference the department delegates took part in the progress meeting of the SUDOE PMFC network.


Marcos Fallanza, Jenifer Gómez and Arantza Sánchez attended the International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering – COUPLED PROBLEMS 2017, celebrated in Rhodes Island, Greece, last June 12-14,  2017. Jenifer presented the work “Design and optimization of a multiphase microfluidic device for magnetic bead separation from biofluids” and Arantza presented the work “Computational analysis of a micro-solvent extraction process”.

PhD THESIS DEFENSE: Pablo Fernández – June 16th, 2017

Pablo Fernández Castro defended his doctoral thesis “Progress in the reactivity of advanced oxidation media: Application to the Fenton treatment of 2-chlorophenol solutions”,  developed in the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department of the University of Cantabria under the supervision of Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz and Dr. María Fresnedo San Román, last June 16th, 2017.

The evaluation committee was formed by Prof. Juan José Rodríguez Jiménez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), Prof. Ángel Irabien (Universidad de Cantabria) and Dr. Rosa María Alonso Salces (Universidad Nacional de Mar de Plata, Argentina).


VISIT TO UPM – June 14th, 2017

Last Wednesday, 14 June 2017, Inmaculada Ortiz Uribe joined the visit to the UPM Campus de Montegancedo organized by the Physico-Chemistry Section of the Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences. The Academy group visited the R&D  Centers for Biomaterials and Microgravimetry and held a meeting with the UPM academic authorities.



Last June 12th,  Dr. Raquel Ibáñez and Dr. Eugenio Bringas visited Cornell University (Ithaca, NY, USA) in order to participate in an assessment meeting with the faculty members involved in the mobility programme between Cornell and Cantabria Universities whose third edition has been recently closed. During the visit, Raquel and Eugenio enjoyed the opportunity of visiting the breathtaking waterfalls located at Cornell university campus.

CONGRESS: 17th Flow-3-D – June 2017

Jenifer Gómez attended the course “Flow Science Numerics Training”, organized by the company Flow Science and celebrated in Barcelona, last June 5th, 2017. After the course, she also attended the congress “17th Flow-3D European Users Conference”, celebrated also in Barcelona, where she presented her work “Optimization of magnetic blood cleansing microdevices with flow-3D”. During the congress she was awarded with the first prize to the best presentation.