NEW STAFF: Paula Cabezón

Paula Cabezón joined the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department of the University of Cantabria to work in the project “Nuevos desarrollos en fotocatálisis para aplicaciones medioambientales (CTM2015-69845R)(MINECO/FEDER, UE)” , whose main researcher is Dr. María José Rivero.

CONGRESS: REDISA 2017 – June 12-14, 2017

Selene Cobo, Lucía Gómez, Sonia Gómez and Gema Pérez attended the VII Simposio Iberoamericano en Ingeniería de Residuos, celebrated last June 12-14, 2017 in Santander, where the presented the following works:

Selene Cobo: “Sistemas integrados de gestión de residuos para cerrar el ciclo de los metales: análisis metodológico”

Lucía Gómez: “Recuperación de metales de las escorias de instalaciones de residuos a energía”

Sonia Gómez: “Caracterización de la presencia de compuestos perfluorados en lixiviados de vertederos de residuos sólidos urbanos (RSU) del Norte de España”.

Gema Pérez : «Aplicación de procesos de oxidación avanzada en planta piloto al tratamiento de lixiviados de vertedero”

CONFERENCE: Prof. Ignacio Grossmann – June 12th, 2017

Prof. Ignacio Grossmann, Honoris Causa Doctorate of the University of Cantabria, from Center for Advanced Process Decision-making, Department of Chemical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, USA) gave the lecture “Role of process systems engineering in chemical engineering”, at room 22 of the ETSIIyT of the University of Cantabria, last June 12th, 2017. The event was organized by Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Química, de la Energía y de Procesos.

CONGRESS: ESEE 2017 – June 4-8, 2017

Prof. Ane Urtiaga, Dr. Jordi Carrillo and PhD student Alvaro Soriano attended the 11th European Symposium on Electrochemical Engineering, that was held in Prague (Czech Republic) in June 4-8, 2017.

The active participation of UC representatives included three lectures and the chairing of one of the sessions by Prof. Urtiaga.

Titles of the oral contributions:

  • Electrochemical treatment of poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) from industrial effluents
  • Voltammetric study of 6:2 FTSA oxidation using BDD electrodes
  • Integration of electrochemical oxidation and nanofiltration for a more efficient treatment of perfluorohexanoic acid.


Prof. Ane Urtiaga took part in the committee that nominated Dr. Jose Angel Peña as Full Professor in Chemical Engineering at the Department of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technologies of the University of Zaragoza (Spain), last June 2nd, 2017.

GRADISAL MEETING – June 9th, 2017

Last Friday 9 June, 2017 the third Project meeting of GRADISAL took place in the facilities of MARE, in Cartes. In the meeting the participants reviewed and debated the activities that had been carried out by the partner companies, APRIA SYSTEMS and MARE as well as by the members of the UC-Advanced separation processes group (project coordinator). The first report with the analysis of physico-chemical, geographical and topographical characteristics of WWTPs in Cantabria, candidates to the installation of the first GRADISAL prototype will be delivered in the coming month.

NEW STAFF: Laura Rancaño – June 2017

Laura Rancaño joined the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department to develop the curricular internship of the Master in Chemical Engineering. During the internship she will work in the field of new developments in photocatalysis to environmental applications, under the supervision of María José Rivero.


Raquel Ibáñez participated as a member of the evaluation committee of the thesis “Preparación de fibras submicrométricas de base carbonosa para aplicaciones energéticas y medioambientales”, defended last May 31st, 2017. The thesis was developed by Mr. Francisco José García Mateos in the Chemical Engineering Department of the University of Málaga under the supervision of Prof. José Rodríguez Mirasol.



The PhD. student Marta Herrero is currently developing a research stay at the Chemical Engineering Department of Shamoon College of Engineering in Be´er-Sheva in Israel, under the supervision of Prof. Adi Wolfson. During her stay, from May 7th to August 17th, 2017 she will study de sustainability of the production process of HCl and NaOH from desalination brines by applying the electrodialysis technology using PV power.