EDUC AWARD: Sandra Sánchez – May 31st, 2017

Sandra Sánchez has been awarded with the prize for the best poster in the field of Engineering and Architecture organized by EDUC. This contest has been organized as one of the events related to the inauguration of the PhD School of the University of Cantabria. The prize consists of a grant of 450 € to spend for educational purposes (seminars, congresses, conferences…). The ceremony award took place on Wednesday, May 31st, 2107 at 13:00 h.


The PhD student of the program Chemical and Process Engineering, Carolina Fernandez, researcher in the Sustainable Process Engineering research group of the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering who will present her doctoral thesis next June 30th, 2017, has joined AINIA TECHNOLOGICAL CENTER  as a researcher. AINIA is a technological center mainly focused in research in the food, cosmetic, pharmacy, packaging and chemical sectors. Carolina is joining the environment, bioenergy and industrial hygiene department, where she will be working very close to industry in wastewater treatment and valorization.


Our PhD. students, Arantza Basauri, Juan Corredor, Miguel Guate, Alba Romano, Sandra Sánchez, Álvaro Soriano and María Yáñez finished the doctorate seminar “VI Curso Avanzado de Formación Transversal sobre el Futuro Profesional del Doctorado”.

CONFERENCE: Pila Goya – May 26th, 2017

Last May 26th, 2017, Prof.  Pilar Goya Laza, Research Professor at CSIC and President of EuCheMS (European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences) gave the lecture “Chemical insights into drug discovery” at the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department. The event was organized by Programa de Doctorado en ingeniería Química, de la Energía y de Procesos.

CONGRESS: IWA YWP 2017 -May 24-26, 2017

Carlos Javier Escudero attended the 5th Young Water Professionals Conference-IWA Mexico, organized by the University Michoacana of San Nicolás de Hidalgo. The congress took place at the city of Morelia, Michoacán last May 24-26, 2017. Carlos Javier presented his work “Comparison of the performance of different photocatalytic reactors for the treatment of wastewater containing a phenolic compound” and he was awarded with the 2nd best oral presentation.



Sandra Sanchez has been awarded to a short-term fellowship to support her visit to the Institute of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Oxford from September to December 2017. The grant was given by The European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), an organization that promotes excellence in the life sciences. There, she will carry out biocompatibility analysis in order to demonstrate the ability of the already fabricated membranes by assays of neuronal cell culture, under the supervision of Dra. Hua Ye.

CONGRESS: NANOTECH 2017 – mAY 14-17, 2017

Inmaculada Ortiz and Jenifer Gómez attended the congress NANOTECH 2017, celebrated last May 14-17, 2017 in Washington DC (USA). They presented 3 works: “CFD analysis of particle magnetophoresis in multiphase continuous flow bioseparators”, “CFD analysis of facilitated transport in microextraction processes” and “Numerical Analysis of Acoustophoretic Discrete Particle Focusing in Microchannels”.

SEMINAR: Carlos Javier Escudero – May 18th, 2017

Last May 18th, 2017, Carlos Javier gave the seminar “Procesos de oxidación avanzada, una forma de tratar agua contaminada de manera fácil, rápida y segura”, to post-graduate students of the University of Guanajuato (UG) invited by his supervisor during his stay there, Dr. Juan Manuel Peralta.

CONGRESS: AMIDIQ 2017 – May 2017

Carlos Javier Escudero attended the XXXVIII Encuentro Nacional de la AMIDIQ (Academia Mexicana de Investigación y Docencia en Ingeniería Química) celebrated in Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, Mexico, last May 9-12, 2017, where he presented his work “Avances en la configuración de reactores fotocatalíticos con sistemas LEDs para el tratamiento de agua”.

SOCIAL EVENT (AACME) – May 4th, 2017

Last May 4th, 2017, Sara Dominguez within the other PhD. students of the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Loughborough University, participated in the social event “AACME School Scavenger Social”, organized by the School of Aeronautical and Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering (AACME).