RESEARCH STAGE – March 20th, 2017

Since March 20th, 2017 our Chemical Engineering MSc students Cristina González, Marta Romay and Andrea Arguillarena are performing a research stage at Yamaguchi University under the supervision of Izumi Kumakiri. The students granted by the Japanese academic institution are taking advantage of this opportunity to improve their internationalization competences.

OPEN DOORS DAY – April 3rd, 2017

Last April 3rd, 2017 several members of the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department participated in the Open Doors Day organized by the University of Cantabria to show the Academic Offer to secondary school students. During the day, the students had the opportunity to visit our facilities and ask questions about the degree in Chemical engineering.


Jenifer Gómez participated in the workshop “Lab on a Chip” of the Science Festival organized by the University of Hull, last April 2-4, 2017. The event was oriented to children from 7 to 12 years old.

SEMINAR: Prof. Adi Wolfson

Researchers of the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department met with Prof. Adi Wolfson, head of the Chemical Engineering Department of the Shamoon College Engineering, Beér-Sheva, Israel, during his visit to UC, where they had the opportunity to show and discuss with him current research projects.

CONFERENCE: Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz – March 20th, 2017

Last March 30th, 2017 Inmaculada Ortiz Uribe gave the lecture «Novel Separations Processes based on the Facilitated Transport Mechanism» to the Faculty members and postgraduate students of the Chemical Engineering Department at Carnegie Mellon University. The conference took place as one of the activities of the research visit granted by the Fulbright Program.


RESEARCH STAY: Jenifer Gómez – February – May 2017

Jenifer Gómez is currently doing a research stay at the University of Hull (United Kingdom). During this period, 20 February – 11 May 2017, she will be working on the manipulation of magnetic supports in microfluidic devices for biomedical applications, under the supervision of Prof. Nicole Pamme.

SAINT JOSEPH´S DAY – March 19th, 2017

The ETSIIT of the University of Cantabria celebrated Saint Joseph Day. Two Chemical Engineering students received awards to their academic works:

  • Master in Chemical Engineering: Álvaro Soriano. «Separación mediante nanofiltración de ácido perfluorohexanoico (PFHxA) procedente de efluentes industriales», supported by the Company Solvay.
  • Degree in Chemical Engineering: Cristina González. «Contribución al diseño de sistemas microfluídicos para la separación de partículas magnéticas», supported by the Company Apria Systems

Sandra Sánchez, PhD student in the doctorate program in Chemical, Energy and Process Engineering, gained the first position in the contest Your Thesis in 2 minutes, with the video «Nuevos polímeros funcionalizados como soporte para regeneración de tejido neuronal». The prize was supported by the companies Deloitte and TTI.

VISIT TO ADITYA BIRLA – March 15th, 2017

The course on Best Available Technologies for the Process Industry, part of the Master program in Chemical Engineering (UC-UPV/EHU), organized a visit to the production facilities of the company Aditya Birla – Columbian Carbon Spain, located in Gajano (Cantabria). The visit took place on March 15, 2017 and was preceded by a master lecture on the carbon black process description, delivered by Dr. Jose Luis Fernandez (process engineer at Aditya Birla) and about the compliance of the Industrial Emissions Directive, delivered by Mr. Ovidio Romano (SHE coordinator).

The picture shows the group of 33 students enrolled in the course, in the company of the course coordinator, Prof. Ane Urtiaga. We would like to acknowledge the factory director Dr. Jacinto Zarca, for making possible this academic activity, and the excellent attention received from all the personnel of the company.

THESIS AWARD CEREMONY: Dr. Gabriel Zarca – March 13th, 2018

Dr. Gabriel Zarca, Research Assistant in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, has been awarded with the prize to the best PhD Thesis in the field of Engineering, granted by the Societal Council of the University of Cantabria.

The Awards ceremony took place on March 13th, 2017 and was chaired by the President of the Regional Government, Mr. Miguel Angel Revilla, in company of the president of the Societal Council, Mr. José Luis Zárate, the Rector, Prof. Ángel Pazos, the President of the Regional Parliament, Mrs. Dolores Gorostiaga and the Director of University and Research in the regional government, Prof. Marta Domingo.

CONGRESS: KIFEE 2017 – March 7-10, 2017

Paloma Ortiz, MSc student enrolled in the Chemical Engineering Master Program (UC-UPV/EHU) attended the Kyoto International Forum for Environment and Energy (KIFEE), that was held in Kyoto (Japan) from 7-10th March 2017. She presented the contribution entitled «Influence of coexisting molecule on the transport through ZSM-5 zeolite membranes». This communication disseminates the scientific results of her master thesis project, that is being performed in the Department of Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation of the University of Yamaguchi (Japan) under the supervision of Prof.  Izumi Kumakiri, within the framework of the bilateral agreement for academic and research exchange between the University of Cantabria and the Japanese partner.