European Researchers ´Night 2020

Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz (PAS research group), Prof. Ane Urtiaga (TAB research group), Prof. Raquel Ibáñez (IPS research group) and Prof. Aurora Garea (DEPRO research group) participated in the initiative “Ciencia en Directo”, organized by the Scientific Culture Unit of the University of Cantabria on the occassion of the European Researchers Night 2020.

The complete video is available on:

European Researchers ´ Night 2020

On November 27th, 2020 researchers of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department participated in the event “European Researchers´ Night”, organized by the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit of the University of Cantabria. A total of 9 virtual workshops where delivered by members of the four research groups (DEPRO, PAS, TAB and IPS).

Science Week

Belén García participated in the Science Week. She prepared the workshop “Imanes potentes para atrapar bacterias y curar enfermedades”, for students of Calasanz School, on November 18th, 2020.

Science Week

Arantza Basauri participated in the Science Week. She prepared the workshop “Imanes potentes para atrapar bacterias y curar enfermedades”, for students of El Alisal High School, on November 16th, 2020.

Conference: Daniel V. Espósito

Daniel V. Espósito, Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Columbia University, NY, USA, delivered the talk Electrocatalysis at Buried Interfaces. The conference took place virtually through Teams app, on November 19th, 2020. The event was organized in the frame of the Doctorate Program in Chemical Engineering, Energy and Processes.

Science Week

Cristina González participated in the Science Week. She delivered the workshop “Imanes potentes para atrapar bacterias y curar enfermedades”, to secondary students of the School Calasanz (Santander), on November 20th, 2020.

Science Week

Nazely Diban, Marta Romay and Marián Mantecón participated in the Science Week. They prepared the workshop “Ingeniería tisular y técnicas de síntesis de membranas como sustratos celulares”, for secondary students of the School Escolapios Calasanz, on November 16th, 2020.

Science Week

Carolina Tristán and Sophie Schröder participated in the Science Week. They prepared the workshop “Energía Azul, por un suministro de energia sostenible”, for secondary students of High Schools Peñacastillo and Valle del Saja, on November 16th, 2020 and November 17th, 2020, respectively.

Congress: 14th Mediterranean Congress on Chemical Engineering (MeCCE-14)

A group of researchers of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department participated in the 14th Mediterranean Congress on Chemical Engineering (MeCCE-14) celebrated virtually on November 16 – 20, 2020, where a total of 9 contributions were presented:

Raquel Ibáñez – The Monetised Footprint Index: the production of HCl by EDBM

Carolina Tristán – An in-depth analysis of power and efficiency trade-off of salinity gradient energy capture by reverse electrodialysis

Guillermo Díaz – Continuous gas-phase electrochemical reduction of CO2 to formate using Bi Catalyst Coated Membrane Electrodes in a filter press reactor.

Aitor Marcos – Study of alcohol diffusion through commercial anion exchange membranes for CO2 electrolyzers

Lucía Gómez – Scenario screening for Salinity Gradient Power recovery in WWTPs

Salvador Asensio – Solubility differences of refrigerant gases in ionic liquids

Laura Rancaño – Modelling of the removal of metolachlor in a photocatalytic LED reactor

Carmen Barquín – Improved Performance of a Newly Synthesized Magnetite Photocatalyst for S-Metolachlor Degradation

Daniel González – Recovery of n-butanol by pervaporation using polymer-ionic liquid hollow fiber membranes