Project Meeting

The final meeting of the project on “Valorization of the tail-gas of carbon black manufacturing” was held last April 1, 2019 in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering of the University of Cantabria. The delegation of participants from Birla Carbon company was leaded by Ranjan Ghosal, Senior Vice-President, Global Research and Innovation, and Jacinto Zarca, General Director of Birla Carbon Spain. The Agenda of the day was full of activities, and included a meeting of the Birla Carbon delegation with the Rector of the University of Cantabria, Professor Angel Pazos. The fruitful discussion on the obtained results served also to define the targets for continuing the collaboration in transfer of knowledge. We would like to thank the Head of the Department, Prof. Angel Irabien, and to the leaders of the research groups, Prof. Inmaculada Ortiz and Prof. Raquel Ibañez, their fruitful participation in the meeting. The day finished with a visit to the research facilities of the department.