Research Stay: Miguel Guate and Sergio San Martín

Miguel Guate and Sergio San Martín are performing an academic exchange period at the Yamaguchi University, in Japan, from September to December 2019 under the supervision of Prof. Izumi Kumakiri, in the frame of the grant Erasmus+. This stays are funded by the Erasmus+ K107 International Credit Mobility, Project 2018‐1‐ES01‐KA107‐049471. Miguel is developing a pre-doctoral research stay to reinforce the internationalization of his doctoral studies in Chemical, Energy and Process Engineering in the University of Cantabria (UC), in the topic of metal catalyst deposition onto ceramic supports. Sergio is developing an internship as part of the training activities as student of the Master degree in Chemical Engineering of the UC, in the topic of “Hydrogen strategic roadmaps: A comprehensive comparison of Japan and the UE”.