
The First International Young Researchers Symposium on Applications of Electrochemical Technology (IYRS-AET) took place in Santander, on Thursday 20, 2019, as one of the activities of the ANQUE-ICCE 2019 congress. The 1st IYRS-AET counted with 27 participants, including one invited keynote speaker, Dr. Sonia Lanzalaco, 20 oral communications and 5 poster presentations. The Symposium was chaired by Ane Urtiaga (University of Cantabria), Ignacio Sirés (University of Barcelona) and Fabiola Martínez (University of Castilla – La Mancha). The Spanish network of Excellence E3TECH, the specialized Group of Electrochemistry of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry and the International Society of Electrochemistry sponsored the scientific activities aimed at the formation of predoctoral and young postdoctoral researchers in the field of Electrochemical technologies. 3 awards to the best oral and poster communications were issued:


Amaia Ortiz de Lejarazu, “Preparation of ion exchange membranes by using end-of-life reverse osmosis membranes and application in electrodialysis”

Sergio Díaz Abad “Study of the SO2 depolarized electrolysis with advanced PBI based membranes at high temperature”

Maria Arellano Pardo “Sulfate radical and its application to the removal of organic pollutants”
