Ane Urtiaga and Gema Pérez attended the Days “Gestión de las Aguas regeneradas mediante recarga inducida y artificial. Aspectos ambientales, socioeconómicos y legales”, organized by Club del Agua Subterránea, Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Fundación Fomento y Gestión del Agua, Grupo Especializado del Agua, IMDEA Agua and Consolider TRAGUA. The event took place at Fundación Gómez Pardo in Madrid last October 18 – 19th, 2017.

During the celebration of this event the third meeting of the Consolider-Tragua net, TRAGUANET took place in Madrid. TRAGUANET is a scientific network financed by MINECO and formed by 23 research groups of different Universities and Research Centres with main research interest oriented to wastewater treatment and reuse.

The aim of the meeting was to present the conclusions of the Project corresponding to the period 2014-2017.