C A N T A B R I A   U N I V E R S I T Y
  POST-PALEOLITHIC ART   El Cubular shelter
Collado de Sejos
Peña Lostroso
Collado de Sejos.  
    Schematical   Collado de Sejos is located in the dividing waters of Nansa and Saja rivers headwaters, about 1500 meters high, in a zone of open natural grazing land between the sandstone crags and conglomerate of Cueto de la Helguera (1729 meters) and Cuquillo (1673 meters). Besides natural pass, the hill coincides with the limit between the administrative divisions of Polaciones and Mancomunidad de Campoo-Cabuerniga, although the remains with schamatic art located in the last one.

The group is formed of five orthostatus of sandstones carved in its base. Two of them present in its bigger faces with two engravings of anthropomorphic root. Nowadays, they are lying on the surface, scatteredin an area of about 75 squared meters. The archeologic excavation in this area (Bueno et alii, 1985) allowed to document the footprint of its originals.

The engravings show two rectangular figures of long side in vertical and superior utter in arch. In one case, the design is subdivided in five horizontal floors embellished with continous series of zigzag. Besides, at its left, a dagger vertical outline or short sword of wide triangular blade and straight handle. Over the surface of the figures several cazoletas are also distributed.

The group of Sejos has narrow parallel iconographics with the anthropomorphic idols of Peña Tu (Asturias) and Tabuyo del Monte (Leon), as well as with the closer of Hoyo de la Gándara (San Sebastián de Garabandal, Cantabria). More or less explicit of attributes strictly anthropomorphics, they are solutions of human figurations that seem to look more like the social entity expresion than the phisic identification of an individual. Looking at the kind of weapons recognized in some of the samples, it can be said that the time when these engravings were made is the beginning of the Bronze Age.

  P R E H I S T O R I C   A R T