C A N T A B R I A   U N I V E R S I T Y
The Marquises of Comillas
Pontificial University
Capricho de Gaudí
Further works
Town Map
Further Modernist and Picturesque works  
    Holy Hospital of Comillas   Some outstanding 19th century Catalonian artists were involved in other important works at Comillas. Cristóbal Cascante y Colom not only managed the works of Sobrellano and the Pontificial University School, but also made a first project of the monument for Don Antonio López y López and designed the new building for the Holy Hospital of Comillas. Luis Doménech y Mantaner built, according to the original project of Cascante y Colom, the final monument for the Marquis of Comillas as well as the fountain of Tres Caños, built in the square which carries its name. This architect also projected the renovation of the town's graveyard, which enclosed the ruins of an ancient Gothic hermitage, and included picturesque features to highlight the aspect of Romantic ruin. He also built the pantheon of Don Joaquín de Piélago's family in this cemetery. Casimiro Pérez de la Riva built the pantheon of the Pérez de la Riva family, inspired by the austere neo-Egyptian style in contrast with the sculptural aspect of the project made by Luis Doménech y Montaner.

At the end of the 19th century, the influence of British architecture reached in Comillas due to the admiration felt by the Spanish bourgueoisie towards Anglo-Saxon life. Francisco Hernández Rubio designed the chalet of the Duke of Almodóvar del Río for San José field in contrast with the eclecticism of Sobrellano palace and Modernism of the Capricho de Gaudí.

Comillas Graveyard
Fountain of the Tres Caños
Chalet of the Duke of Almódovar del Río
  T O W N S   A N D   C I T I E S