C A N T A B R I A   U N I V E R S I T Y
  CASONAS AND PALACES   Casonas y Palaces
Middle Ages
Contemporary Palaces
    Elsedo palace. (Pámanes)   The casona has a series of features repeated to a greater or lesser extent in all of casonas. They often started from an initial construction; a tower or previous house preserved for symbolic reasons, such as to show the antique lineage of the family there. The house is often enclosed by a large wall with projected quoins, on which the gate, usually of a big size, opens, bearing the coat of arms, hence the name of casa solariega. Through the gate one can reach the yard before the casona itself. This generally has two or three floors; the ground floor is the working area where there is the carriage entrance and the stairs on one side, and the stable and the cellar etc., on the other. On the first floor, or "noble floor", there is a hall with the bedrooms leading off it, opening onto the main façade through windows, balconies or a solana, and at the back are the kitchens and other attached service areas. The coat of arms appears again in the centre of the main façade. A prominent eave appears over all the façades. Depending on the significance of the casona, there is a private chapel which often plays the role of the family pantheon. There are other buildings included in the ensemble (barn, stables, etc...). An example in which all these features can be appreciated is Elsedo Palace in Pamanes.

These casonas were perfectly furnished, as known by the records of the period. Writing desks, chests, bargueños, beds, tables of the period, etc. still remain in many of them. Apart from the furniture there were also valuable libraries and rich art collections.







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