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Artículos en revistas indexadas JCR


Cordera, R., Nogués, S., González-González, E. and Moura, J.L. (2024) Modelling sprawl in a medium-sized urban area considering the future arrival of autonomous vehicles. Environmental Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 1-22


Nogués, S., González-González, E., Stead, D. and Cordera, R.   (2023) Planning policies for the driverless city using backcasting and the participatory Q-methodology. Cities, 142, 104535


González-González, E., Cordera, R., Stead, D. and Nogués, S.  (2023) Envisioning the driverless city using backcasting and Q-methodology. Cities, 133, 104159


Cordera, R., González-González, E., Nogués, S., Arellana, J. and Moura, J.L.  (2022) Modal choice for the Driverless city: scenario simulation based on a stated preference survey. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 1108272.


Silva, O., Cordera, R., González-González, E. and Nogués, S.  (2022) Environmental impacts of autonomous vehicles: A review of the scientific literature. Science of the Total Environment, 830, 154615.


Fayyaz, M., Nogués, S. and González-González, E. (2022) Autonomous mobility: A potential opportunity to reclaim public spaces for people. Sustainability, 14 (3), 1568.


Nogués, S. and González-González, E. (2021) Are current road investments exacerbating spatial inequalities inside Eruopean peripheral regions?. European Planning Studies.


Cordera, R., Nogués, S., González-González, E. and Moura, J.L. (2021) Modeling the impacts of Autonomous Vehicles on land use using a LUTI model. Sustainability, 13 (4), 1608.


González-González, E., Cordera, R., Alonso, B. and Nogués, S. (2021) Planning for sustainable urban mobility: Demand estimation of on-street vertical walking facilities. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation.


Nogués, S., González-González, E. and Cordera, R.  (2020) New urban planning challenges under emerging autonomous mobility: evaluating backcasting scenarios and policies through an expert survey. Land Use Policy, 95, 104652.  


González-González, E., Nogués, S. and Stead, D.  (2020) Parking futures: Preparing European cities for the advent of automated vehicles. Land Use Policy, 91C, 104010. 


Cordera, R., Nogués, S., González-González, E. and dell'Olio, L. (2019) Intra-urban spatial disparities in user satisfaction with public transport services. Sustainability, 11 (5829), 1-22.


González-González, E., Nogués, S. and Stead, D.  (2019) Automated vehicles and the city of tomorrow: A backcasting approach. Cities, 94, 153-160.


Cordera, R., Nogués, S. and González-González, E. (2019) El reto de incorporar indicadores en los sistemas de evaluación y seguimiento de los Planes Regionales de Ordenación Territorial en España. Boletín de la Asociación Española de Geografía, 81 (2726), 1-32.


Nogués, S., González-González, E. and Cordera, R. (2019) Planning regional sustainability: An index-based framework to assess spatial plans. Application to the region of Cantabria (Spain). Journal of Cleaner Production, 225, 510-523.


González-González, E. and Nogués, S. (2019) Long-term differential effects of transport infrastructure investment in rural areas. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 125, 234-247.


González-González, E. and Nogués, S. (2017) Railways of the future: evolution and prospects of High-Speed Rail, MAGLEV and Hyperloop (2nd Part). DYNA, 92(5), 483-485.


González-González, E. and Nogués, S. (2017) Railways of the future: evolution and prospects of High-Speed Rail, MAGLEV and Hyperloop (1st Part). DYNA, 92(4), 371-373.


González-González, E. and Nogués, S. (2016) Regional polycentricity: an indicator framework for assessing cohesion impacts of railway infrastructures. European Planning Studies, 24(5), 950-973.


Nogués, S. and Arroyo, N. (2015) Alternative approach to prioritization of Brownfield reclamation attending to urban development potentialities: case study in a depressed industrial district in Northern SpainJournal of Urban Planning and Development, 05015002.


Nogués, S. and Cabarga-Varona, A. (2014) Modelling land use changes for landscape connectivity: the role of plantation forestry and highways. Journal for Nature Conservation, 22 (6), 504-515.


Nogués, S. and González-González, E. (2014) Multi-criteria impacts assessment for ranking highway projects in Northwest Spain. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 65, 80-91.


Salas-Olmedo, H. and Nogués, S. (2012) Analysis of commuting needs using graph theory and census data: a comparison between two medium-sized cities in the UK. Applied Geography, 35 (1-2), 132-141.


 Publication CoverJournal coverTransportation Research Part A: Policy and PracticeApplied GeographyJournal for Nature Conservation



Artículos en otras revistas y otros documentos científicos


Nogués Linares, S. y Salas Olmedo, H. (2010) Modelos de crecimiento urbano. Estrategias de planificación y sostenibilidad en Cantabria. ACE: Arquitectura, Ciudad y Entorno, 12, 43-58. (indexado)


Salas Olmedo, H. (2008) Spatial and transport planning integrated policies: Guidelines for Northwest Spain. TSU Working Paper. Ref. 1034. 2008, 1-29.


Nogués Linares, S.; Salas Olmedo, H. y Canga Villegas, M. (2008) Aplicación de los SIG a la gestión del patrimonio público de suelo. GeoFocus (Informes y Comentarios), 8, 43-65.


Victorero Solares, P. (2008) Movilidad sostenible. Revista 100% Sostenible, Centro de Investigación del Medio Ambiente (CIMA).


Nogués Linares, S. (2007) Planificación y diseño urbanístico sostenibles. Revista 100% Sostenible, Centro de Investigación del Medio Ambiente (CIMA).


Nogués Linares, S. (1999) Industrialización y desarrollo urbano de Torrelavega en el siglo XX. Revista del Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Torrelavega.


Nogués Linares, S. (1995) La Comarcalización del País Vasco: Opciones y estrategias. Boletín de la Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del País. Tomo Ll (monográfico sobre la Organización Territorial en la CAPV), San Sebastián.




